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Anti fracker bias link to wind farm moguls.......?

Guest pelmetman

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Guest pelmetman

Barton Moss: Fracking protesters in wind turbine blockade

Anti-fracking protesters at Barton Moss

Campaigners said the action was symbolic



Anti-fracking protesters hold rally

Anti-fracking protesters have blockaded a shale gas test drilling site with a 17m (56 ft) wind turbine blade.


Campaigners assembled the blade in a "symbolic action" outside the Barton Moss site in Salford at 05:30 GMT.


Greater Manchester Police said it was working to clear the entrance and looking at what other action to take.


A spokesperson for IGas, which operates the site, said the company respected anyone's right to protest, but said the action disrupted the neighbourhood.


The No Dash for Gas group said about 50 activists unloaded the 1.5-tonne blade from a lorry and assembled it. IGas said there were 30 protesters.


A spokesperson for the group said: "This is a symbolic action - there are environmentally-friendly forms of renewable energy that we should be pursuing."


Sandra Denton, one of the people who put the blade in place, added: "We've delivered this early Christmas gift to IGas to remind them that we don't need damaging, risky and polluting energy sources like oil and gas to power the UK."


A statement from IGas said: "We do not condone any protest activity which impacts the right of local people to go about their daily lives and work.


"We continue to operate in accordance with all the necessary regulation and permitting."


I wonder where they managed to get a 56' blade from? :-S.................ebay I presume *-)................or could it be that the windfarm merchants, are seeing their taxpayer funded meal ticket blown away by the winds of change :D

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One could ask the Group how they are going to manage charging their mobiles over a candle flame. Did they bring horses to carry them all back home I wonder, or did the 4x4 have to parked somewhere. Also did they use a fossil fuel to power the truck?? Should they have not been carrying it on shoulders.


My answer is to put them all in tents over the cold winter with abox of matches and leave them to it. First thing that would happen is all the trees they profess to hug would be chopped down for fuel and every animal within distance would be captured, skinned and eaten.

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If there is one thing that is going to get the various economies going it is the development of Shale Gas.


Wind Power, however I look at it, seems to be an expensive folly.


It only makes economic sense if you have tax payer subsidies ! 8-) Without these, no one would bother - and that just about says it all.


As regards the type of people that protest about the likes of Shale - then these are the same type of muppets that ran the Anti-4x4 campaigns a few years back. All it took was a couple of severe winters and fantastic organisations like "4x4 Response" giving up their time to ferry Drs and Meals on Wheels etc. about and the general public just told the silly sods to go forth and multiply.


The stupidity of these sorts of protesters was exemplified for me by one Anti-4x4 group advertising a meeting in a Marquee where because there were complaints about how cold it was on the previous occasion - they had organised several Patio Heaters!...................


And this lot think they are going to save the planet?


It is just an excuse to vent their prejudice.




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Will85 - 2013-12-18 7:47 PM


Recently there were a number of fracking protestors just up the road from here in Balcombe Sussex. Little did they know that is was a setup to see who was there. For the underlying strata is clay and soft sand.


Yes, indeed, but do you know what is under that? After all Kent used to have a large coalfield and beneath that is more sedimentary rocks. The rocks that they wish to frac are probably between 5000 and 8000 feet down, a pretty long way and well below any water horizons. The other thing is that to frac successfully you need a cap rock of some form so basically you need a trapping layer or layers so you can actually extract the shale gas.

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nowtelse2do - 2013-12-17 5:33 PMNot sure where I read it (probably good old DM) that there is about £16 trillion of gas reserves so far discovered. Just about what we owe at the moment.I say let's keep digging, might find some more. :-) Dave


Bloody hell your gas bill is big   :-)


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RogerC - 2013-12-18 8:54 PM
nowtelse2do - 2013-12-17 5:33 PMNot sure where I read it (probably good old DM) that there is about £16 trillion of gas reserves so far discovered. Just about what we owe at the moment.I say let's keep digging, might find some more. :-) Dave


Bloody hell your gas bill is big   :-)

Don't believe a word he says Roger , he's trying to come across all grown up and if I'm not wrong like most Lancashire types his gas meter will have been turned , liars and conmen the lot of em .
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antony1969 - 2013-12-18 9:15 PM
RogerC - 2013-12-18 8:54 PM
nowtelse2do - 2013-12-17 5:33 PMNot sure where I read it (probably good old DM) that there is about £16 trillion of gas reserves so far discovered. Just about what we owe at the moment.I say let's keep digging, might find some more. :-) Dave


Bloody hell your gas bill is big   :-)

Don't believe a word he says Roger , he's trying to come across all grown up and if I'm not wrong like most Lancashire types his gas meter will have been turned , liars and conmen the lot of em .
Tony, Keep your gob shut about "turned" gas meters, next thing you will be on about fiddled leccy meters.
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knight of the road - 2013-12-19 1:04 AM
antony1969 - 2013-12-18 9:15 PM
RogerC - 2013-12-18 8:54 PM
nowtelse2do - 2013-12-17 5:33 PMNot sure where I read it (probably good old DM) that there is about £16 trillion of gas reserves so far discovered. Just about what we owe at the moment.I say let's keep digging, might find some more. :-) Dave


Bloody hell your gas bill is big   :-)

Don't believe a word he says Roger , he's trying to come across all grown up and if I'm not wrong like most Lancashire types his gas meter will have been turned , liars and conmen the lot of em .
Tony, Keep your gob shut about "turned" gas meters, next thing you will be on about fiddled leccy meters.
Lancashire Malc for various reasons resembles India , one reason being the millions of overhead cables introduced by the poor / workhouse folk pinching leccy from the grid . Thieves the lot of em , apart from you and yours Malc of course , Happy Christmas mate .
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