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Water tanks filled


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We always keep ours filled but with the two girls never know when we might have a problem. We only empty it at home winter on the drive.


We have also travelled on the Ferry with no problems but that doesn't mean its right/wrong.

Lots of people travel with just the minimum for weight?.


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The amount of water and it's weight is relatively small compared to overall weight of vehicle and is not worth worrying about. The rocking of a ferry is also relatively slow so the momentum built up in the sloshing about water will be low. Just make sure your handbrake is firmly on, and if in doubt put chocks under your wheels. There is a lot more force in the water moving when you are driving along a road, around bends, over bumps etc.


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If only I wished I was a drinker not even him . Well now and again we treat ourselves to a bottle of Champagne my favorite being Piper heidsidzic

Probably not spelt correctly. Tried the other posh ones but keep going back to the piper. No bit of boring old farts we are tea and coffee for us .

Wonder why I keep running to the loo . ;-)

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Hi Michele,

It's Piper Heidsieck, but as I am not a drinker myslef had to look it up. LOL.

Yep! I like my coffee as well, I usually buy loads of ground coffee in the Czech republic where it is very cheap. I have various types for different occasions and times of the day and have yet to find coffee as nice in the UK. My speciality is a cappuccino with cinnamon and chocolate on the cream topping. A woman in Trebon in the south of the Czech republic showed me how to make the perfect glass of cappuccino and it is out of this world when you get it right, and it just does not work the same using incredients from the UK.





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Guest Frank Wilkinson

You've misunderstood - my post was immediately after one querying whether or not Wingpete is actually TC101 registered in another name.

I was referring to the fact that I'd already made this suggestion in the 'Hints and Tips' forum.

See 'Hard Boiled Eggs'.

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Now, I've a good tip for cooking hard boiled eggs, if you want it ?

And No I am not the other poster, TC101 (or whatever) .

My posts are never offensive ( I hope) but could be said to be thought provoking, in the lateral sense.

Some folks actually reply in all seriousness, but generally, I try to bring a little lightheartedness, and a smile to your mouth.


Snarls are so disfuguring 8o|

Ding Dong !! ;-)

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