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Where's my prize Out and About!!!


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Greetings All,


It gives me no pleasure to write this post but the magazine that has this forum ie. Out and About, have failed time and time again to respond to in order Two Emails, Three Letters and a further email.

In January I posted an item on this forum to tell everyone that Tesco vouchers could be used on the Dover Calais route even though there was no publicity regarding it on the Tesco website.

Out and About extracted the email and gave it 'Star Letter' status in the March Edition of the magazine.

It stated in the magazine that I was to be the resipient of four travel guides.

Since then, what have I heard? Nothing Zip. Bu**er All!

Despite the above communication to Warners I have received nothing and heard nothing, not even an acknowledgement of the letters.

In my last letter I pointed out that I had an annual subscription with them and threatened to cancel. That threat still holds. There are enough mags out there without throwing my money at Warners.

Mr Moderator. Do you think you could get someone in Bourne to extract their collective fingers out of the dykes up there and get something done?

Yours disgustedly

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