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Keeping warm...


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Don't take any notice of Tracker.


It's obvious that you can't get a motorhome into your tent.


My suggestion would be to wear several layers of clothing rather than one thick layer. That way you can 'adjust' to the temperature as required.





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  • 3 months later...
Guest Peter James
Primark Jogging Trousers a couple of sizes above your normal size. Very stretchy so you can comfortably have about 4 pairs on top of your normal trousers. I bought 4 pairs in October £3 each. Another 4 pairs last week £5 each. So much for the Governments inflation statistics. Still great value though.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest pelmetman
Dave225 - 2011-03-04 8:22 PM


Follow the Berlusconi policy.


Invite all the young girls you can find into the tent for a 'Bunga Bunga' party.


Bound to get the temperature up


But think of the cost to the NHS as its only old men with money who can afford these young ladies :D ...............but there again they can probably afford the medical bills as well *-)


Oop's has this thread gone off topic :D

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So this is where you lot are lurking!!! :->

OAL Moderator - 2010-10-28 10:39 AMKeeping warm in your tent is a must at this time of year – what top tips can you share with fellow campers?


Make sure that whoever put the tent up has pegged all the sides down properly to prevent draughts! 8-) For night-time:- Get a good quality sleeping bag with a hood. - Use hot water bottles and warm the sleeping bag before you get in- Ideally have beds that don't lay on the cold ground (such as inflatable ones).- Get into your bedclothes earlier in the evening so they are warm when you go to bed rather than getting into cold pjs!- Have a hot drink immediately before bed ... but not too much so you don't have to get up in the night.For day-time:- Layer clothes so you can adjust as needs be.- Have a rug of some sort to put on the ground to place your feet on when sitting to keep the cold out.- Don't sit for ages, have a walk around every now and again to keep the circulation going.- If you get cold and have access to hot water, put some in a bowl and place your hands in it (covering your wrists if possible) for a few minutes, it really does warm you up (I do this at work sometimes) - alternatively do the washing up!- Make sure you keep the amount of alcohol you consume down as this will chill you.- Keep having hot drinks.- Sod fashion ... if it's cold wear a hat, coat and gloves!!!!
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  • 2 weeks later...

In response to Peter James' Idea! ....Excellent Idea!! I bought some for my son, who's 6 and he loves them!! £2.50 each you can't go wrong!! Lovely and fluffy on the inside!

I'll be going there for some for Easter instead of PJ's I think!!

Off to Withernsea Sands on Yorkshire coast. Second time camping at Easter, first time was very chilly, 2 years ago! Frost from our breath condensated on the inside of the tent! Was shocked to say the least!! Well what do you expect at the end of March? This time I'm armed with my new second hand Outwell Utah 4 tent and Electrickery!! So a heater will most definately be coming with us....just incase! Been waiting for the camping season for too long......gotta get out there....toodlepip! :o) (lol)

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  • 2 years later...
Ah the sweet and romantic time of sleeping in a tent. I still like to do so with my wife once in a while. Nice and cozy. For short trips we still like to take the tent with us because it's still fun and easy. Perfect solution for an impulsive holiday. But only when the weather is decent however, staying warm can be a real pain in the ***
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