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B Dobson

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B Dobson last won the day on May 2 2023

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  1. Ive checked with those upstairs and Im fairly confident thetford pics are allowed as long as its not a pic during a 'servicing' moment as that could lead to a clear breach of the rules . Might be an idea to post up a warning before the pic also as one assumes its going to be dirtier than one of those top shelf books one sometimes accidentally buys with the newspaper . Seasons greetings to all Belinda and dog Barney
  2. Its unclear wether it was a member on here or not Barryd999 . I believe the incident happened while you were away in Scotland motor homing so you may not have read about in The Shetland Times . its a disgrace though isnt it and gives us all a blooming bad name, they threw a load of old chip papers out n'all apparently and two seals choked to death on them, mind they were old Guardian newspapers . I cant believe motorhomers would endanger such beautiful creatures on purpose . Big respect to you and yours Barryd999
  3. Thats easily explained . I asked Keith if he could use the pronoun they when mentioning me . Little did I know his laptops T and Y keys no longer work . I didn't make a big deal about it or ask Daniel to remove Keith as I believe it was a genuine mistake he probably made in his motorhome . Best wishes
  4. Don't worry Signore Travel I get the feeling there are others using a false name on here . I have always though felt that while driving my Motor home or on here it's always best to use ones correct name . Regards Belinda
  5. Yes I do believe dirty water if fine as long as you aren't releasing it near a water runway which could lead to nature damage . I don't believe emptying the elsan into bushes is acceptable though do you . I do believe there were a few instances in Scotland this year where a Motorhome owner with walking difficulties emptied the contents out in the bushes and according to locals even took the elsan out to sea in a kayak and emptied out but that backfired when supposedly he was washed out of the kayak and straight into the waste . We were in France this summer and didn't see any of that kind of thing . All the best for the upcoming festivities Barryd999 .
  6. Very nice Mr Mtravel you are a very well.travelled man . I once drove into Lancashire in the motorhome but I won't be going back there again . BTW is travel your real last name?
  7. Thanks Barryd999 . Is that your grey waste tap I can see open spewing chip fat water all over Flamborough? You must have a blooming long electric lead, where do you plug in or is that one of those Pontins sites?
  8. B Dobson


    Has anyone got a Motorhome? Surely this can't get pulled 🤣
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