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Implimenting Weight restrictions on 'vans


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I recently read in a 'horsey' publication that more horseboxes are likely to be pulled in to public weigh bridges - the writer had been well over loaded [3 horses, gear, tack etc.] so was given a written as well as a verbal warning. She was told that 'they' are looking to pull more 'vans in for checking! So be warned motorhomers, 'they' are out there ........... it'll be 'us' next!
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Lizzie, I had a letter about a year ago from a man who had been pulled into a weighbridge in his motorhome. He was just under the max weight, but only because he's just been home and unloaded it and only had half-full fuel tanks. The occifer of the law said they were havinbg a day on motorhomes and his was the fist all day that wasn't illegal!
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Mel E , Sorry I know I am thick but just under only because he had been home & unloaded.... Then his van couldn't of taken much more then ? So what would happen to him if he had loaded all the holiday stuff in & a full tank of deisel? His van would not be worth having surely . Maybe I have missed the point here. :-|
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Sorry, Michele - the point was that his was apparently the only motorhome all day that was NOT overloaded. He would have been in the same pickle if he had not just unloaded most of the holiday stuff. Yes, his motorhome had inadequate capacity and he was contacting me to ask for details of how to get the max permitted weight raised. WEIGHBRIDGES: The best source for your local weighbridge is to contact your local Trading Standards department.
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