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Political turmoil


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I am more than bewildered and perplexed at all this political turmoil, when is it going to end?

It seems to me that politicians from the three main parties have had their sticky fingers in the till and have been caught out.

So what happens now? will they be prosecuted? if one is prosecuted he will be screaming for all the others to be prosecuted?

If they are prosecuted what happens then? are they thrown out on their ear?

I think this country is in for one hell of a rocky road for quite some time to come.

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colin - 2009-05-19 8:07 PM


Dought if any will get prosecuted, most have been following the rules, the few that have not have made genuine mistakes (yerr we believe them, not) and repaid the money.

How is it that so many clever people can inadvertanly make so many 'mistakes' to their advantage? I mean how can one forget that they have paid their mortgage up, there will most definetley be some prosecutions, bet there are more than one or two MP's quaking in their boots. David Chater the Bury north MP for one.

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