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Why did BoJo over rule his Home Secretary?


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I can see some logic in going for herd immunity

Because I see an elephant in the room nobody talks about because its too difficult.

We have all got to die to make room for the next generation, or it would be standing room only.

Population is already growing bigger than the earth can sustain, which is causing intractable problems like pollution, deforestation, climate change,starvation, housing crisis.

If we could cure everything like Covid, Cancer, etc etc - how would we deal with over population?

Especially when there is no nhs because we have no economy left to pay for it.

A question too difficult to ask.

So everyone ignores it.


Seems they bottled out of the herd immunity idea when they realised the political damage of all the deaths happening at once so the nhs was inundated with corpses. Hence 'protect the nhs'

Either way we seem to be getting the worst of both worlds - wrecked economy and he highest death rate. :-S

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