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hodsock snowdrops


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Last year I won 2 complimentary adult tickets in a photography competiton Hodsock Priory held.


I went today and used one, Charles is away for the next three weekends with the TA in the Ascension Islands - and when he gets back we are booked to go to scarborough for the weekend.


So to get to the point (lol) I have got a ticket going spare - if any one wants it just send me a pm and your address and it will be in the post tomorrow.

first come first served :-D




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come on Lizzy keep up :-D


its a complementary entrance ticket for Hodsock Priory.




I went last sunday, and can't go again as all my weekends are booked up till is closes on the 4th march, and a four letter word takes all my time between monday and friday!


take care everyone, and have a good day - time to go to w***





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