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wintering in south of france


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[QUOTE]mansell - 2006-09-19 3:17 PM I WOULD LOVE TO DO THE SAME BUT IS IT WARM ENOUGH?[/QUOTE] mansell Can't be any worse than here can it? Seriously though, if overwintering it is possible to 'follow the sun' or at least the better weather and see some more of the country in the process. Regards, david
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Thanks very much for all the info, but as you say, it could get jolly cold in the night. Also looking through the ACSI book, the Camping Cheque book and our bible, the caravan club europe book, there are very few camp sites open, and few aires either. We left it rather late to organise this winters trip as our ferry is booked for 4 October, so may be we will try to use our camping cheques in spain this winter, and look further into southern france for the winter when we go abroad again next April.
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