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engine starting problem


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Hi all, my 1990 2ltr petrol fiat Ducatto genuine 69,000 miles has suddenly become a problem it wont start.

problem started Easter. Called AA home start. Engine turns over all ok fuel getting through, plugs etc all in good condition. In the end the AA guy said it was not sucking air in properly. He removed the air filter (filter clean and working) put his hand over the air intake on the carb then removed it I assume so there was a sudden suck of air (he said it was an old trick) and we got it started. He said he could not determine what the cause was why this had happened. We had our easter hol all ok. Went to start tonight same symptoms. My question is any hints as to what is the cause so I can get my reliable engine back (I have owned the camper17years. It is garaged and trickle charged and has been a gem)

Kind Regards Soulman.......over to the experts fingers crossed.

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Putting your hand over the air intake is doing what the choke - remember them - used to do in that the engine sucks in more fuel because it is short of air, which makes it richer and easier to start from cold so that suggests maybe you have a fuel starvation problem?


I can't really remember but I think there is an automatic fuel enrichening device for cold starting on the carb and maybe a reconditioned carb or a service kit would be worth considering if taking it apart and cleaning it does not help?


The fuel pump output needs checking too as whilst there might be enough suck and blow when the engine is spinning quickly, if it is an engine driven cam operated pump, it might not be able to cope at cranking speeds? Again replace or repair kit, usually consisting of diaphragm, spring and valves might be the answer?


Or at that age it might be both - might also be worth blowing back down the fuel line from pump to tank just in case something is restricting the flow?


Sorry if I'm wrong but I can't be more specific as it is a bloomin long time since I had to deal with those issues and I'm struggling to remember!

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