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A and N Caravan are closing their doors.


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We were in the middle of moving premises but it's turned into a nightmare. We have vacated the old building but have no where to go. So we think we are going to call it a day.


Taking a few days break starting this week end and going to ponder the next move.


Thanks to everyone who has supported us.

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Thank you everyone.


Stuart, You are nearly right, in the Dining room.


My Wife is not best pleased about not being able to get in the Dining room, but is pleased I won't be working lots of hours, 7 days a week. It has been 4 quite tough years, so maybe right to make a change.


The guys who work on the Citroen H van restorations are going to set up a new company and carry on doing that side of the work.


See where we go after we have had our holiday?




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Alan you have been one of the most helpful members of this forum with your extensive knowledge and expertise - particularly in battery and charging technology. That degree of knowledge will be missed by many you have helped in the past and those who have yet to need it.


Life has a way of telling you when it's time to change and if that time is now, foryou and the business, then I hope everything goes well for you.




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aandncaravan - 2016-07-13 8:26 PM....The guys who work on the Citroen H van restorations are going to set up a new company and carry on doing that side of the work.See where we go after we have had our holiday?.

Good to hear that side will continue.  Your electronic side should be portable and flexible enough to be accommodated somewhere if you want to continue to be self-employed and I hope you do - your four hard years should have taught you enough to help you decide on a better way forwards.  You could presumably operate a mobile service as a specialist MH auto-electrician if necessary. 


Have a good holiday and then good luck for the future.  I hope you're not going in one of those H vans!


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So sorry, Allan, to hear about your current dilemma. With your bucket-loads of enthusiasm and expertise, I'm sure you'll find a way of bouncing back.


Many thanks anyway for your invaluable help on this forum. I for one am indebted to you for your helpful advice on batteries and charging systems.


Whatever you decide to do in the future, I wish you all the very best of luck in your endeavours. Hopefully, you will still be able to support the MH community and we will be able to show our support towards you as customers.

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Having experienced being self employed nothing should ever phase you any more, whether carrying out your chosen occupation or a leisure pursuit.


One problem is that you will probably see yourself as unemployable.. However you will be an asset to any employer as a free thinker, provided they understand you possibly know more than them and would attack a problem more directly.


Have you built up a "name" in your trade, if you have then it will follow that you will be offered a window of opportunity allowing you to take another step forward.


I had more than 40 years at it, hence my free thing attitude now.

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Sorry to hear of the problems Alan.


There is not a lot I can add that has not been said but I too will miss your highly valued input if you join the ranks of the leisure classes, although having been a gentleman of leisure since 1998 it is hard to remember what work felt like!


Nil carborundum illigitemii - or something similar?

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Thank you everyone for the supportive posts and emails, very, very much appreciated.


Several things popped up already, even an offer from a Big Motorhome Dealer and we have only just started our 2 week break!!


We will have a think over the next 2 weeks and see what happens.




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