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Ducato Armrests


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Wyvern accessories did them for the Boxer at the Peterboro Show, can't find their contact number at the moment. However you need to check if your seat has the mounting points built in, it is two threaded holes on a plate at the appropriate points obviously hidden beneath the upholstery. If you have these then any arm rest (they are handed) from a scrap Peugeot 405 will fit. Alternatively if you do not have the attachment points fitted it is not that difficult to change your upholstery cover to a complete pair of seats from one of these vehicles as they are the same frame, the headrests are better though as well. Bas
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Hi Basil. The original post was a question about the Fiat cab. Are you saying that the Puegeot seats are the same as the Ducato as I also want some rests for my Rapido on a Ducato 14 chassis. Do the seats out of a 405 fit the ducato please.
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i bought some amrests for a previous van from i think TEC seating,about £50 as i remember. the frames didn't have mountings & it would have meant welding brackets on so i sold the rests on & lived without. so,before you buy it's worth lifting the backrest trim to see what mounts,if any,are fitted.
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Hello Peter, Certainly the ones I have seen in the Sevel range have been the same irrespective of whether they are Peugeot, Fiat or Ctroen. Don't know if they fitted anything different at any time though, I was assuming that it was a standard Sevel seat. As the previous post shows it is important to ensure the mounting points exist before buying, also remember if you go to a breakers then they won't cost you more than about a fiver each going on our local one. Bas
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Hi Sylvia, If it wasnt for the fact that it would leave holes in the seat backs you could have my armrests, as far as I am concerned they are a pain in the b------e, we have them on our Minibus at work as well. If you drive with your hands in the correct position on the steering wheel, your arms are nowhere near them. Try before you fit them.. David
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Thanks David, We really need them for the passenger seat only (that's mine) as I find it uncomfortable not being able to lean on anything, maybe after a while I will get used to it, we will have to wait and see. It may be different altogether when I am allowed to drive!!!!!
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