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French restaurants


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Yes you can use the paper copy, you will find they will check it in all restaurants as the fines are €1500 for the first offence of allowing in a guest who does not have the correct test or vaccine proof and €9000 for the second offence.
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Are you referring to your NHS COVID Passes? If so, have you requested copies in French, obtainable free by 'phoning 119.


If you have only the record of injection cards handed to you on the days of your injections, you will need to apply for the official NHS Covid Pass a.s.a.p. here: https://tinyurl.com/45u6cs3k In view of time, it would be wise to request the French version when requesting the Pass. The website is reasonably easy to use and clear.

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This link relates to the NHS COVID Pass letter




I applied online for Pass letters for my wife and myself. However, I don’t recall being offered as part of the online procedure the option of choosing an alternative language to English. The link advises


Can I get the NHS COVID Pass letter in other languages, large print or braille?


Yes. Call 119 for free.


Keep the original English-language version of the NHS COVID Pass letter as you may be asked to show it if you travel abroad.


I freely admit that - as I wasn’t interested in having the Pass in a non-English language - I didn’t bother to check whether the online application procedure included that option, so can you confirm whether it does or that 119 must be used to get (say) a French version.


(Presumably it’s the QR code(s) on the letter that really matter, rather than the language?)

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It is there, Derek, but a bit "buried".


I did similar to you and, as I progresses through the process, I reached this page: https://www.covid-status-letter.service.nhs.uk/another-language


In case the link doesn't work (it works OK for me, but I had to simulate making a new application to first get to it), the wording on that page is:


"Do you need information about your letter in another language?


Your letter will be in English. But we can send you information about what the letter is for in another language if you need it.


You do not need your letter in the language of the country you're travelling to."


Below which are two "radio" buttons: "Yes" and "No".


If you then select the "Yes" button (which in view of the above wording of the question I found counter-intuitive :-)) one gets to a further page on which one can indicate which language is required. However, I stopped at that point because, from the wide selection available, only one language could be selected at a time i.e. one cannot build up and submit a list of languages. I had hoped that one multi-lingual (as least insofar as the European languages are concerned) document - similar to the information on the back of motor insurance certificates - would be on offer. T'ain't so - at least if it is, I couldn't trigger it! So, I just settled for the English language version which duly arrived a few days later.


So, as we have no trips planned yet, and as the documents can be ordered by 'phone free on 119, I decided to wait and then see how many can be provided once we know where we might go.


Also I remain unclear whether the "information about what the letter is for" is a full translation of the English language letter into other languages, or is merely an explanation, in the selected language, of what the letter signifies. So, I decided to wait until we know what we want to do, and then 'phone, by which time/means I hope the above questions can be answered (or an alternative system has been concocted!).

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Hi we are booked on the tunnel for the 4th of September, and as we come from and had our covid jabs in Scotland, will be carrying paper proof. When you book the tunnel you can register your documents in advance, which we have done. NHS Scotland does not have an electronic qr code system. As to what happens at restaurants I will post again when we have encountered that. We won't be going to Paris, where it seems to be a problem but to a restaurant we've been visiting for 36 years, we are sure to be welcome!
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Iain Strachan - 2021-08-21 11:40 AM


Seems the goal posts have moved, and paper proof is not acceptable, you must have a qr code.

Which you can get from the French government site, have to provide pdf or jpg files of your documents!


You may also find the following string helpful, as it gives details of how to get the paper and QR code based NHS proofs of vaccination, but also how to get the information from the NHS paper proof onto the NHS app, and how to transfer that data from the NHS app to the French QR code based app that restaurants and public buildings etc use. https://tinyurl.com/5fxpc6ed


If that string is now out of date, as you appear to be suggesting, it might also be generally helpful to update it.

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These links may be of interest








I can’t find any information online warning that 'paper’ proof of UK vaccination is no longer valid in France, though it will be necessary for a paper document to carry QR codes if it to be read/validated by French scanning equipment.


Printing a PDF copy of the NHS COVID Pass produces a document with QR codes (codes are 30 days time limited).


The NHS COVID Pass letter (applied for online) carries the same textual data about the vaccinations. The letter also carries a couple of small digital ‘codes’, but these are not the QR codes that the PDF document has.

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Derek Uzzell - 2021-08-22 8:37 AM


These links may be of interest








I can’t find any information online warning that 'paper’ proof of UK vaccination is no longer valid in France, though it will be necessary for a paper document to carry QR codes if it to be read/validated by French scanning equipment.


Printing a PDF copy of the NHS COVID Pass produces a document with QR codes (codes are 30 days time limited).


The NHS COVID Pass letter (applied for online) carries the same textual data about the vaccinations. The letter also carries a couple of small digital ‘codes’, but these are not the QR codes that the PDF document has.


That’s correct, Derek, hard copy should be acceptable so long as it has a QR code. The particular issue, though, is that those of us who have been vaccinated in Scotland (and some other unenlightened non-EU countries) do not have a QR code. So, the French have kindly set up a process where we can apply for a French QR code on electronic production by email of various documents. The challenge will be getting that code from them any time soon. Ah well, they say Cornwall’s nice in September.

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One workaround for those of us in this situation is to get a negative result of an antigen test taken at a French pharmacy, available all over France, which grants the user a health pass that is valid for three days. But maybe a faff too far.
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Obtaining a ‘temporary’ QR-code is referred to here




in the section headed


I have not yet received my QR code for the vaccine certificate of equivalence and I need it to travel within France or to visit certain locations (museums, entertainment venues, restaurants, etc.), what can I do?


It is advised that "A temporary QR code can....be generated by a healthcare professional following a negative RT-PCR or antigen test taken within the last 72 hours”, but the validity duration of the test is not mentioned.


As an antigen test will cost a foreign national (eg. a UK tourist) around €30, it would be an expensive faff, particularly if the test’s validity only lasts 3 days.


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Having looked into this a bit more, it’s evident that what crocs advised above is correct - the temporary QR code that can be provided by a French pharmacist is only valid for 72 hours from the time the QR code is issued.


This is, in fact, said on a lot of French official websites, but the time limit is made unambiguously clear on a French website describing a recent computer glitch that prevented pharmacists from providing the code. The GOOGLE-translated information about the problematical software reads as follows:


This tool is however essential in the fight against Covid. It allows pharmacists to enter the results of antigenic tests against the coronavirus, carried out in about fifteen minutes, then to issue patients who test negative with a QR code, valid for 72 hours to access restaurants, bars, cinemas, but also for take a train or a plane.



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Yep, a validity of 72 hours would add costs for a couple of about €420 for a fortnight. I was booked on a ferry for 6 September but, as I have no idea when my QR code might arrive, we decided to cancel and spend our money in Cornwall this year.
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Brian Kirby - 2021-08-19 6:36 PM


Are you referring to your NHS COVID Passes? If so, have you requested copies in French, obtainable free by 'phoning 119.


If you have only the record of injection cards handed to you on the days of your injections, you will need to apply for the official NHS Covid Pass a.s.a.p. here: https://tinyurl.com/45u6cs3k In view of time, it would be wise to request the French version when requesting the Pass. The website is reasonably easy to use and clear.


In fact, if one asks for a foreign-language NHS COVID Pass, what you will get is the ordinary English-language document and a couple of supplementary sheets that provide guidance on the content of the English-language document and translations of its various parts.


This service is clearly aimed at people wanting a Pass but who do not read/understand English. It is not intended for people visiting a foreign country (say France) who might think having a NHS Pass in French might be useful.


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It’s amazingly easy in France to use Restaurants.

In all Restaurants our NHS app showing we have both been double jabbed worked perfectly.


We were never asked for anything other than showing our phones and they seemed very grateful for our custom.



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Zydeco Joe - 2021-08-26 2:03 PM


Got the 2 forms by post today just 5 days after filling in the on line forms. Got one in French and one in Spanish as well hope these will be ok for our planned if not yet booked trip to Spain for the winter.


Are you saying that you received a NHS COVID Pass document in French and another in Spanish, or two NHS COVID Pass documents in English, plus (in your case) one set of 'guidance' documents in French and a second set in Spanish?

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Derek Uzzell - 2021-08-26 10:44 AM


In fact, if one asks for a foreign-language NHS COVID Pass, what you will get is the ordinary English-language document and a couple of supplementary sheets that provide guidance on the content of the English-language document and translations of its various parts.


The images attached below show the ‘guidance’ documents that I received when I reqested a French-language NHS COVID Pass letter.




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Have got two NHS COVID Pass certificates (one each for my wife and myself) stating we have had 2 vaccine doses of the AZ jab in English.


We asked for one in French and one in Spanish which we also got. You could only ask for one extra language so we had different one each as we hope to drive to Spain via France like we have for many winter trips.

As you say its more a" Guidance" document that could be very useful if asked for the documents as not all customs officers speak English and as they are free a no brainer as far as we are concerned so no problem if used or not.


The NHS COVID certificate cannot be had by the looks of it in any other language than English.


A very good quick service by the NHS. :-D

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Not one restaurant asked for a paper version only to see the NHS app and in Spain none asked for it

Although you are expected to wear a mask on entering a restaurant and to respect space.

Both countries are being pretty good.

I must say I’m most restaurants we dined outside and all restaurants we used in Spain did not smoke outside ??

Don’t over worry about it and you’ll have a superb time.

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As far as I'm aware the NHS COVID-19 Pass letter is not 'scannable' (ie. it does not carry a QR code that can be read and validated).


The expectation in the UK and abroad is that proof of vaccination will be presented using a scannable QR code. This can be via a mobile device (smartphone/tablet) or it is possible to download and print in hardcopy a NHS .pdf file that carries the QR code.



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