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Garmin map updates


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I have a Garmin 760 camper which I am trying to do map updates on at the moment. The express program wants to download 13gb of data onto my computer to complete the process which presumably I can delete after the update.


My problem is lack of space, my Asus only has a 20gb hard drive of which most is taken up by windows 8 software and other bits and pieces so I have a large sd card as drive "D".


Unfortunately everything wants to go to drive 'C" and I can't figure out how to change the path to the other drive. I have been on Garmin forums etc. One suggested Map updater but that seems the same as express now. Years ago it was possible to choose the directory path of any download, does anyone have any ideas how I can do this.

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Garmin Express should be giving you three choices on where to install the maps: device, computer, or both. Unless you need the update on your PC, why allow it to install there? Then, it shouldn't need any permanent space on the C drive - though it will probably use it as additional RAM during the update.
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Brian Kirby - 2018-03-01 12:23 PM


Garmin Express should be giving you three choices on where to install the maps: device, computer, or both. Unless you need the update on your PC, why allow it to install there? Then, it shouldn't need any permanent space on the C drive - though it will probably use it as additional RAM during the update.


Nope doesn't give me a choice Brian, just says there is not enough space on your computer to download.

I read somewhere that the download goes to the device but through the computer ? So you can delete it after the device is updated or leave it sitting on your computer so that it's quicker the next time you update.


I am now using another computer to get around the problem!

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There are quite a few on-line comments relating to map updating problems with Garmin Express when there’s insufficent ‘hard drive’ storage space on the computer that will be acting as intermediary between the Garmin Express application and the Garmin device (eg. a sat-nav).


This link may be relevant in Barcobird’s case




I use a Mac that has plenty of free storage space, so have had no problems in that respect. As far as I’m aware the updated mapping data temporarily transfers to the computer and, once those data are on the computer, the revised mapping information is moved to the sat-nav. I updated my Garmin sat-nav a fortnight ago and there are no signs of huge data files still being present on my Mac.


The KISS approach is to do as Barcobird is doing and update via a computer that has adequate free space.

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I have the Garmin 770 Camper. Express doesn't give me any options regarding storage on the PC. Have you installed a mcroSD external memory card to your Garmin? I installed a 16GB card. I think that the device wants to make a backup copy of the existing maps on the device until it is able to successfully download and install the new maps. Without the external memory there is insufficient storage space. Hope this helps.
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Uncle Bulgaria - 2018-03-01 3:48 PM


I have the Garmin 770 Camper. Express doesn't give me any options regarding storage on the PC. Have you installed a mcroSD external memory card to your Garmin? I installed a 16GB card. I think that the device wants to make a backup copy of the existing maps on the device until it is able to successfully download and install the new maps. Without the external memory there is insufficient storage space. Hope this helps.


Already have a 16gb sd card in the sat nav Richard still wants to back up to computer first.

Trying a computer with vista on it, now being told it’s too old !!

They certainly complicate things!!!

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Hi i think it is not recognising your sd card, this is an email or 2 from the support at garmin i have the 760

To put an MTP device into mass storage mode:


Touch Volume

Touch and hold the upper right corner of the screen

Touch MTP Settings (you may need to scroll down)

Touch Configuration and Settings on some devices before getting the option for MTP Settings

Touch Mass Storage Single Session

Touch Save

If this does not allow Express to recognize the SD card i would recommend formatting the SD card.


To format a microSD/SD card:




Format the microSD/SD card to the FAT or FAT32 format. A 2 GB or less card can be formatted in FAT or FAT32. Cards larger than 2 GB should be formatted in FAT32. Cards larger than 32 GB should be formatted in exFAT1.


Place the SD card into the SD card slot in the device2

Press the Windows key + E on the keyboard to open Windows Explorer/File Explorer

Click This PC (Windows 10 only)

Locate the Removable Disk3 icon representing the SD card

Right-click on the Removable Disk icon

Click on Format

Change Allocation unit size to Default allocation size

Ensure Quick Format is checked

Click Start

If there is anything else I can help you with then please let me know. Alternatively you can search for a solution here: http://www.garmin.co.uk/support


Kind regards,




Garmin Europe




PO Box 392 | Southampton | SO40 0FW | UK


T: 0808 238 0000 | www.garmin.co.uk


Registered office: Liberty House, Hounsdown Business Park, Southampton , SO40 9LR , UK . Registration no. 2724437 VAT Reg. No. GB568 6978 58


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Thank you for contacting Garmin Europe.


I’m sorry you’re having trouble with your Garmin device and am happy to help. There are two steps to resolving this issue, please follow the instructions below to solve your problem.


Firstly, I would suggest that you update the software on your device:


To update your unit to the latest software, you need to use the Garmin Express application.


To download the application and view the installation instructions, please click the link below:




Then I would suggest performing a master reset. This will however, remove the favourites from your unit if you do not back them up:


To back up the favourites on your device please follow below instructions.


Open Garmin Express

Click Tools

Click Back up now

The backup will now run through. Once this completes please follow the below steps to perform a master reset on your device.


Disconnect your device from your computer

Turn the device off

Press and hold the bottom right hand corner of the screen and press the on/off button. (nuvi 3xx devices will need to touch the top right hand corner of the screen)

Continue to hold the bottom right hand corner of the screen until you see a message saying ‘do you really want to erase all user data’

Remove your thumb from the screen and press yes

The device will now begin the reset

Leave the device in full view of the sky for around 30 minutes

Now this is complete, to reload your favourites on the device, please follow the below steps.


Reconnect your device to the computer

Click Tools

Click Restore backup

Select the relevant date from the drop down list

Click Restore

You will see the Express program restoring the data

Your data is now restored.


For a step by step guide to assist you with this, please click the link below:










Please help us improve the service we offer you by taking our Customer Support survey. Please click the following link:



If there is anything else I can help you with then please let me know. Alternatively you can search for a solution here: http://www.garmin.co.uk/support


Kind regards,




Garmin Europe




PO Box 392 | Southampton | SO40 0FW | UK


T: 0808 238 0000 | F: +44 (0)23 8052 4004 | www.garmin.co.uk


Registered office: Liberty House, Hounsdown Business Park , Southampton , SO40 9LR , UK . Registration no. 2724437 VAT Reg. No. GB568 6978 58




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>> Original Message ...


>> To: product.support@garmin.com

>> Subject: camper 760 LMT-d did an update to 4.8 and now it will not load maps from the sd card so doesnt know where it is

>> Sent: 21/04/2015 20:08 PM


>>camper 760 LMT-d did an update to 4.8 and now it will not load maps from the sd card so doesnt know where it is submitted from a form.


Escalation from KANA On Demand Self Service

Subject: camper 760 LMT-d did an update to 4.8 and now it will not load maps from the sd card so doesnt know where it is

>> Message: as the subject line it now shows cannot load maps have tried to update 4 times cos it still says i have to even tho its done it but problem persists regards jon

Knowledge Session Log URL: http://iqc.garmin.com/eCustomer/KODSelfService/sample.jsp?session={f31d3060-e858-11e4-7ba5-000000000000}

Knowledgebase: null

Market Name: On the Road

Product Group: nuvi 700 Series

Product: nuvi 760




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Hope this is of some use


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Barcobird has a Asus computer with just a 20GB hard drive (Drive C) with much of that space taken up by the Windows 8 operating system. Because of the very limited available space that remains on Drive C, he has a large-capacity SD card in his computer that he uses for supplementary storage (Drive D).


When attempting to update a Garmin sat-nav, the Garmin Express application needs to have up to 20GB of storage space available on the recipient computer and it ‘wants’ that space to be on Drive C. Garmin apparently confirms this in some of the forum discussions, saying that Express won’t recognise removable storage media.


It’s possible that there’s a workaround that the computer’s owner can exploit, but the simplest route for barcobird to follow would be to update the mapping via a computer compatible with Garmin Express and with adequate Drive C storage space. Minimum system requirements are stated here




After Garmin Express was introduced I had to update my iMac’s operating system to allow me to update my sat-nav. I didn’t particularly want to do this and I asked Garmin if there was any alternative - they said No.

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Thanks Silverback for taking the time to post the information from garmin, however as usual they suggest deleting, restoring etc etc. This should be totally unnecessary as most “gadgets” can be updated without the need to download everything again it’s normally just the new bits that need to be downloaded.


As Derek confirmed my problem is a lack of space so a light bulb moment sent me to our stored stuff to dig out my old computer, the running software is Vista which Garmin inform me is no longer supported on their devices!!!!


Is this a normal problem with other sat navs, I am sure my old tomtom never presented these problems or is it to do with Garmins lifetime map upgrade ?



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TomTom will probably be the same, I know mine downloads a complete new map onto pute and then loads this onto the satnav.

p.s. I should note this is one of the reasons when choosing a new laptop I went for one with a 256GB SSD

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I've been having a play, and it seems that your Asus simply has insufficient HDD space to update maps. Apologies for the earlier misinformation re Express, it clearly doesn't now give a choice of location for the maps - even if it did!


They do suggest moving files off the HDD to temp storage to free up space, but if Windows alone is not leaving adequate space on the Asus disk, there seems no reasonable work around. Garmin infer that 20gb free space is likely to be required. Whether it is worth trying to find a new, larger, hard disk and transferring everything to it is probably a non runner, as even with a new drive the rest of the Asus must now be getting a bit long in the tooth.


If you do, have a look at Macrium Reflect, which is a free disk copying program. I had to use it on my desktop when the hard disk failed under warranty, and all Lenovo would do is replace the disk. The replacement was a terrabite to replace a 500gb original, but it was up to me to install and transfer the lot, including the OEM Win 10. I had to buy an external hard drive case (PC World for a few pounds) and install the new HDD into that, copy original C to the new HDD via Macrium, and then install the new C into the desktop, and then hold my breath and re-start the desktop! :-) Somewhat against my expectations it just started as normal. I then realised the new disk had been partitioned as 500gb (i.e the size of the donor disk) during the transfer, so I found a free "partition magic" type program (MiniTool Partition Wizard) and shifted the partition to release the inaccessible 500gb. That, too, worked flawlessly, so it could be done.


However, it all took hours - and caused a lot of grief. It was a bit like defusing a bomb with only a manual for guidance! Easier by far (and probably cheaper in terms of time - and jangling nerves - unless you're a computer technician!) to just get a new Win 10 machine with a decent sized HDD - or see if you can borrow a suitable machine. I think you've just run into technology obsolescence. Bummer! :-)

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747 - 2018-03-02 11:56 AM


Just a thought.


Where did you buy the SD Card? There are lots of online fakes and you may have unwittingly bought one. It could explain your problem.


Don't think that's the issue, the C: drive has to have the spare capacity, many devices nowadays have small C: drives relying on people storing files on external drives.

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Barcobird - 2018-03-02 10:04 AM


...As Derek confirmed my problem is a lack of space so a light bulb moment sent me to our stored stuff to dig out my old computer, the running software is Vista which Garmin inform me is no longer supported on their devices!!!!


Is this a normal problem with other sat navs, I am sure my old tomtom never presented these problems or is it to do with Garmins lifetime map upgrade ?


New software applications will be written to work with the most recent computer operating systems (OSs) available when the software is marketed. The software will normally be OK with some earlier versions of an OS, but how many and how old those earlier versions will be is up to whoever writes the software.


Apple had stopped supporting the release of OS X I was running when Garmin Express was introduced and Vista ceased being supported generally by Microsoft in mid-2012 and completely in mid-2017. Software writers will be very reluctant to offer applications that will run on legacy OSs when the company that ‘owns’ the OS has essentiially washed its hands of it.


The fact that you are having trouble is because a) your Asus cannot meet Garmin Express’s demand for storage space and b) your old computer’s Vista OS fails to meet Express’s requirement for a more modern version of Windows. It’s not to do with Garmin’s ‘lifetime maps’ feature, as software/map updating of all Garmin sat-navs is now done via Garmin Express irrespective of whether the sat-nav’s owner gets ‘free’ updates or pays for them.


If your old PC meets Garmin’s minimum requirements except for the Vista OS, you could consider upgrading the Vista OS to a a higher version of Windows. However, not being Windows-literate nowadays, I can’t comment on whether that would be practicable. There’s a downloadable Windows 7 "Upgrade Advisor here




and PC minimum requirements are given here



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