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Part 8 of 2020 75-day 9,218-mile (14,835 km) tour of Scandinavia in a motorhome.


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This photobook blog follows on from part 7 and covers the journey south out of the Arctic Circle including Narvik. Tranoy, Rognan and the blood road.




When we were planning this trip, we struggled to find information about motorhome trips in Norway. Hence, I decided to start a photobook blog to help others.

Thus far I have a blog covering the preparation plus 8 covering the trip, with a further 2 more blogs to go.

If you like what you see please feel free to share the site and if you on the website you subscribe as a follower you will automatically be notified when I publish my next blog.


The next blog will detail the trip southwards taking Duncan and Liz out of Norway and will include the incredible UNESECO world heritage mining town of Roros and the Rondane National Park.


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