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Plocken Pass is this the most scary in Europe?


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Re post hopefully with photo this time.


In July coming back home from Coatia we travelled up to Austria via Trieste in Italy following the Sat Nav, we went via the Ploken Pass over the Carnic Alps. Now I am no expert on mountain passes but this one was by far the must hairy on I have been over.


Those who are more travelled may be able to advise where in the leaque of difficulty it comes.


I have attached a photo (from the internet) that illustrates what it was like the tunnels where only 3.8 metres high and not wide enough for two large vehicles to pass each other. There are about 8 of these tunnels.


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Guest JudgeMental
I don't know this one but from what you say probably worth avoiding. We just used fern and reiche? pass through Austria to Italy the other week and they are fine. The lorries coming the other way give you pause for thought though. I increased my tire pressure for return trip as on the way out handling a bit soft on pass. really think you have to do some homework on routes and not depend on sat navs particularly in a camper. Have seen lorries wedged in tunnels in Italy before now who got it wrong...
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We did the Plocken Pass in 2010. We got the Car train from Bad Gastein to Mallnitz and then drove down by Obervellach. Then headed south to Oberdauberg at top of pass but not sure which way we looped around the mountains..east or west. Down the Pass and headed to Cortina.


Absolutely stunning scenery, and the pass is awesome, but I actually enjoy these passes. It is really just the part at the south with all the hairpins and tunnels which is difficult, but is all in the mind. I have the mindset I want to do these challenges and just enjoy , but agree the Plocken Pass is probably one of the scariest passes ....but oh so worth it as scenery is so beautiful along rest of route.


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Guest pelmetman

Downhill from the Black mountains in France with sheet ice and gaps in the parapet 8-)..............


I said to Sue who was hanging on like grim death to the door handle.........."There's no point in hanging onto that.......Coz if we go over its coming with us" (lol).................


Like some on here................. she didn't appreciate my joke :D..................



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i think the series of passes in morocco may well be more scary. one of them takes you from the desert, u to the snow, and then back to earth again. for about 90kms. dont ask me to verify the distance, height or name as ive forgotten!!!! :$ (lol) :-S
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