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This time it really is over.


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We've sold the van, rather a sudden decision, but it has been on the cards for quite a while. I realised a few years ago that the way we used the van was becoming more --Drive somewhere, park up, and then try to visit things and go places, -- than wandering free and stopping when we saw something interesting. I'm getting a bit mature, and I can no longer contemplate walking significant distances, or riding into town on my bike. so the choice was either to tow a car behind the van or tow the van behind the car, and living in France that is not an option. We did buy a rather nice caravan a few years ago, but CG was not then ready to start slumming it in a caravan, so we sold it and bought another van, but now she is ready for the descent.

I am one of those sad souls who just loves driving. I don't really mind what I drive, and just as I enjoy rocking around in a converted van, I also love the challenge of driving with a great big trailer on the back. (what I'd really like is a fifth wheeler towed behind a nice big pickup truck, but I don't think my licence cover anything that big anymore, and in any case I can't afford one.) We plan to buy a fairly modest caravan to tow behind the family car, and that way we get comfortable, air conditioned, quiet travel, with a nice music system that we can hear, our own travelling home, and a nice car to go for day trips etc.

The decision was rather sudden because we needed to find a bit more cash than we had in our reserves, but didn't want to make a trip over to the UK and this is probably not a good time to be realising assets and converting Pounds to Euros. It has worked out well for us.

I shall still poke my nose into this forum from time to time and add my two pennorth, the more so because the caravan forum seem a bit dire.

I still miss my dear old Archie, but we are starting to muse about a replacement, but I will keep the tag.

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Guest pelmetman

Sorry to hear the sad news, but as a bi,camper owning a caravan on a motorhome forum is no longer the cause of shame it once was :D ...........





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Sorry to hear that time has caught up with you too AGD as we too had to sell our 'best van we ever had' earlier this year.

Unlike your good seld, I don't think we will ever revert to tugging as all the faffing about to use the thing and then the ultimate insult, having to use those awful things where you are all herded into a secure compound every night along with all the other freedom seekers (sites I think they were called - yuk wash my mouth out).

We've had several away weeks this year as I too still enjoy driving, even in the UK, and life goes on as they say!

Good luck, and please continue to pop in if only to annoy the regulars!

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We did exactly the same this year when coming back to UK. Realised we were spending more & more time in one place and less & less touring and decided it would be better at our ages to have a bit more comfort.

We sold the van, bought a Car & Caravan with an Island bed (which means either of us can get up for nocturnal visits without disturbing the other anymore) and are now fully fledged Tuggers again!

Do we regret it? Not in the least, it is more comforatble, more roomy and more suits our latterday lifestyle-yes it takes longer to set up but if we're staying in one spot longer, what difference does an hour make?

Hope you enjoy it as much as we are doing. Hope the motorhomers still talk to us-at least we won't get wrist ache with all the waving-Tuggers don't wave!


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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2017-09-25 7:22 PM


Sorry to hear that time has caught up with you too AGD as we too had to sell our 'best van we ever had' earlier this year.

Unlike your good self, I don't think we will ever revert to tugging as all the faffing about to use the thing !


Have to say that came as a bit of a shock when we needed to use "Cynthia the Carlight" when Horace required overnight stay at the menders due to a oil leak 8-) ...........


How heavy are those water barrels when full *-) ..........not only that you're expected to hump that back again in a wastemaster as well as the bog to the emptying point :-( .........


........and don't get me started on making up the bed 8-) .......and this was in a caravan that cost 45k when they went bust :-S .........


No wonder they engraved the glassware ........I needed a stiff one after that lot :D .......



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Be very careful AGD, if you have changed to a French driving licence there are restrictions due to age as to whether you can tow a caravan. When we had to change to a French licences the restriction was 60 years of age which is ridiculous as we had no points or any other kind of curtailment on our UK licences. Better to check before going ahead. You are supposed to change from UK to French if you are in the Country for 6 months or more. Hopefully I can attach a copy of Martin's French licence so you can see the restriction. Although Martin passed his test in 1967 they only take the date of the current UK licence as there are no UK records going back that far.


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