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Winter travelling.


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The standard approach is to leave your waste water tank open and put a bucket under the pipe. Empty the ice out when full.

Only checking visually to see what tanks/pipes are exposed will really tell, my fresh water tank is inboard, so away from the cold, but grey water underneath is vulnerable.

You can buy heating blankets if planning to stay in cold areas.

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If the pipes are for water supply , I would say yes.


If the pipes are for waste, it may be worth thinking about, if you let the waste water sit in a tank or pipes, the water might freeze and cause damage.


If you envisage emptying the waste pipes and tank whilst the water is still fluid ( my choice) , there should not be a problem.



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Unless you have tank/pipe heating (and insulation) even leaving the grey water valve open won't stop the water freezing inside the pipe/tank when temps go low. Bucket thing works at -5 but I've had my pipes frozen more times than I can count. Going through long tunnels helps with unfreezing ;-)


Our fresh water tank and pipes are all inside the van so not that big of an issue although we still avoid using them in winter so we don't have to worry about keeping it warm constantly and opt for small canisters and 10l pressurized spray bottle for drinking/washing.


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