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Guest Peter James
alex - 2011-08-17 10:56 PM


Does anyone have any info on Wildax conversions that are based on the Citreon relay vans,ie quality of conversion,customer service & vehicle reliability etc.


I know nothing of Wildax, but have the Citroen Relay van, (X2/50 120 Heavy L4 H2) and am delighted with it. No problems at all.

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alex - 2011-08-17 10:56 PM


Does anyone have any info on Wildax conversions that are based on the Citreon relay vans,ie quality of conversion,customer service & vehicle reliability etc.


Wildax have a very good reputation see http://www.motorhomefacts.com/ftoptitle-72626-calling-all-wildax-campervan-owners.html


Their site is at http://www.wildaxmotorhomes.com/


I've looked over their vans a few times at the shows and the product looked very good.



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Re: quality of Wildax vans


We looked at one or two at the Peterborough show last year - they are certainly 'different'.


What caught our eye was the very thin seat foams - barely 100mm thick - easily squeezed with one hand so first finger and thumb almost met when compressed.


Would care to sleep on them!


Ian L.

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When I looked at a Renault-based Wildax at a recent-ish NEC exhibition I noticed that the firm seemed to be obsessed with using 'tambour' roller-doors. These things are complex and (compared to traditional 'solid' hinged doors) vulnerable to damage.


My Hobby has tambour doors on the bathroom and on a couple of lateral storage lockers. In the latter case, Hobby (in their wisdom!) chose not to fit any means of holding the doors in the closed position and, unsurprisingly, the doors rolled backwards and forwards each time the motorhome was cornered. This infuriating 'feature' was fixed by adding magnetic strips to hold the doors shut. While the bathroom door did have a magnetic catch, we had it jump partially out of the lower guide-track once, though I was never able to pin down what caused this and it's never happened again.


The reason I've referred to my Hobby's tambour doors is that none of the Wildax motorhome's locker tambour-doors had any form of anti-rattle fixings and the bathroom door seemed to seriously lack rigidity. I mentioned both things to the Wildax representative and was told that this was a demo vehicle and the locker doors had been supplied to them missing their magnetic strips. The bathroom door's obvious flimsiness was not considered to be a problem.


Anyway, if anyone's in the market for a Wildax design with tambour doors, this may be something to consider.

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Derek, I don't agree with your comments about the tambour doors. The Wildax version is satisfactory. Now if you were to refer to the Adria Twin then I would agree, as they rattled like mad when travelling.

Alex, you will find that Wildax customer service is top notch.Duncan, the boss, is a very pleasant and straightforward person.The Citroen base is great and has more items as standard than the Fiat. I have never had a Sevel based vehicle let me down.

I have the Aurora Leisure and find that it is a good design, and after 2 years of use nothing has broken!

If you have any questions I would be happy to help.

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Hi - thought i would weigh in also - I am Duncan, owner of WildAx.

- upholstery - many manufacturers use 4 inch cushions as their standard. So far we have not had man comments about this but do have a range of firmness available for anyone that would like differences to standard!


- doors - we have used the tambour doors for a couple of years now mainly for the lack of noise when travelling. Since we have started with them i am not aware of any breaking and have not had an negative comments about them! When driving our vans the only noise i hear is if i have forgotten to remove the grill pan!


- quality overall - can't comment on the rental issue mentioned above as our own rental company is only in its second season so i can assume it was not one of ours rented unless a customer has one available elsewhere. We are quite proud of the overall quality of our vans, which is the reason that we started the rental company to allow potential customers the chance to see for themselves. We also insist that all new customer stay their first night with us on collection so that we can ensure that they are as happy as possible before leaving with their new van.


Many thanks to the last poster for the kind comments!


Alex - i can only suggest that should you be thinking of a WIldAx it might be a good idea to take one for a try out with our rental company - Northern Motorhome Hire?

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Guest JudgeMental
whiskers - 2011-08-23 8:09 AM


Derek, I don't agree with your comments about the tambour doors. The Wildax version is satisfactory. Now if you were to refer to the Adria Twin then I would agree, as they rattled like mad when travelling.

Alex, you will find that Wildax customer service is top notch.Duncan, the boss, is a very pleasant and straightforward person.The Citroen base is great and has more items as standard than the Fiat. I have never had a Sevel based vehicle let me down.

I have the Aurora Leisure and find that it is a good design, and after 2 years of use nothing has broken!

If you have any questions I would be happy to help.


I have a new Adria and it only has these Tambour doors in the bathroom...It is our first season with the van and only a problem with one door at high level getting jammed because we overloaded it...


The Adria was MMM panel van of the year 2011 it is beautifully finished and equipped, I would never consider a wildax or anything like it as the finish is not anywhere close to a Hymer/Adria/Possl/Globecar etc...And probably a lot more expensive as well! : *-)

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WildAx - 2011-08-23 8:23 AM


... - doors - we have used the tambour doors for a couple of years now mainly for the lack of noise when travelling. Since we have started with them i am not aware of any breaking and have not had an negative comments about them! When driving our vans the only noise i hear is if i have forgotten to remove the grill pan!



Nevertheless, I stand by what I said, certainly about the evident lack of rigidity of your NEC show-model's bathroom door.


For rigidity, large area tambour doors benefit from being curved horizontally - the greater the curve (within reason) the more rigid the door structure becomes. The bathroom door of the Wildax demo vehicle I looked over had a relatively gentle horizontal curve and, consequently, lacked rigidity to the extent that it was noticeably bowed vertically.


When I mentioned this, saying that the Wildax door lacked the (admittedly ugly) lateral reinforcing tapes stuck to the surface of my Hobby's REMIS-branded tambour bathroom door, I was told that the door make/design chosen by Wildax differed from the REMIS product and lack of rigidity should not be problematical. I wasn't convinced of this at the time and I'm not now. Time will, of course tell, but (having had 6 years of hands-on experience of a Hobby's tambour doors, I certainly wouldn't be happy with the bowing of the bathroom door I saw on your show vehicle.

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Thank you Derek


Whilst having no knowledge of Wildax Conversions I do have an Autocruise with a tambour door on the washroom area and I have just learnt two things.

1. Don't take that horrible looking tape off and

2. Mine also opens and shuts as you drive along to the point that last week it finally destroyed the badly designed end stop that Autocruise fit but now your magnetic catch comment has told me how to stop it moving.


It is always worth reding any thread that just might link to your van.



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Judge, all I can say is that I changed from a 2007 Adria Twin to the Wildax Aurora Leisure and am pleased that I did.

Derek, I can assure you that the Wildax Tambour door is constructed differently to those with the tape, such as you experienced, and I did on the Twin. You are correct that there isn't a catch to secure it closed but I do not consider that a problem. In fact I usually travel with it open.

I really do like the tambours on the lockers, they are so practical.

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Hello Duncan

Shall we say the van we hired was a 'one off' bad un? I'll not go in to every little detail!

You may recall the van in question, it was converted for Eastmidshire, it was lent back (presumably to you) as a show vehicle, we where I believe the first paying customers to hire it, It was an Aurora, I guess one of the early ones as the tambour door on washroom was badly damaged due to it covering a heater outlet, I noticed on later vans this has been changed.

The general layout of the van is quite good as a rival to the Twin, due to the underslung water and gas tanks freeing up the rear so it can be converted to lounge.

The bed I'm not sure how comfatable it was as standard, we used our mattress topper from T25.

The tambour doors on lockers are terrible, they rattled constantly.

I had forgoten you now hire vans, this is a good way for potencial customers to get to know if they like the van and something I would encorage them to do, for us it showed that the transverse bed was not suitable as gf got claustrophobia (not evident in our T25) which is one reason we now have the Globecar 636

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After reading the first live-in test in Practical Motorhome, I got very interested in the Wildax van conversions. But after seeing one for the first time at Shepton mallet, I changed my mind, being a retired cabinetmaker I thought the quality of the fittings was poor. I couldn't believe the tambour screen around the shower, it was rickety, loose & running in a plastic channel that would fill up with water to rust the steel screws that secured it.

I also liked the large water tanks & the underslung gas tank but didn't think much of the bed.

I'm very happy with the quality & comfort of my Auto-Sleeper van conversion but think my next van will be a Murvi.


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Interesting to read about tambour doors as we have a problem with the bathroom one on our two year old Adria Twin. Can't go into detail at present as it's a warranty claim but ours definitely doesn't have any tape on the inside face to keep the slats in line. The small top cupboard door has tapes and is fine. Also without dismantling the door I can't see if there are any plastic runners in the ends of the slats to help the sliding action in the bottom track that is an integral part of the shower tray moulding.

Have any other Adria owners had problems with this door?

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