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ardgarten c&cc site


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bad news for anyone who used to enjoy the ardgarten c&cc site on the shores of loch long, it has now closed for good, the site was not short of problems (mainly the vvvvery soggy grass pitches) and small number of hard standings but it was much loved by the regulars and casual visitors alike.

many of the regulars attended the last weekend and thanks to the most recent HSMs Malc & Bonnie who helped make it a fun sad time by allowing a small party in the old boat house a great time was had by all.


I would like to thank all the HSMs who over the years made a silk purse out of a sows ear (mainly due to rain) all except one who ran the place like an SS camp.(who's name sounded like a broad sheet glasgow newspaper)


And to all the wonderful campers we met over the years from near and far Ive got enough happy memories to last me well into my dottage.



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I just wonder what all the wee midgies will feast on now there are no more edible campers on site!

That has to be the most midgiefarious site in the land!

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