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  1. Sorry for not replying sooner. We have found someone who knew where to look! A retired engineer living a couple of hours away offered to help and found what the professionals couldn’t. He spent 6 hours yesterday testing everything and yes it was the cable two wires shorting out. He did say he had never seen it before and couldn’t understand why it had happened. He has rigged a temporary fix for us and we have sourced and ordered a new cable which he will fit for us when it arrives. Thank you all for taking the time to try to help. We live very remotely in SW France and finding anyone to work on a motorhome is extremely difficult.
  2. Thank you this gives us further details for a search. Chausson are being unresponsive at the moment. It’s very frustrating as you can imagine. At least it is reassuring to know a complete new system is not too expensive should we have to go down that route. Thank you for taking the time to try to help.
  3. The specialist motorhome electrician we saw here in France said that he was unable to source a 16core replacement cable for us and as I have said he was uncertain if this was actually the issue anyway. We have tried various suppliers of CBE equipment both in the UK and in France and Germany and they are all uncertain which cable we would need. I have contacted Trigano who I believe are the makers of the equipment but have not had a reply from them.
  4. Hi yes we did post elsewhere in a few places in fact but tearing our hair out trying to get it sorted. We are trying everyone’s suggestions and are thankful for them. The specialist we took it to was very vague and ‘thought’ it could be the cable. We have been trying to source a cable but no one supplies it for the model with the TR suffix and no one sees to be able to say if any other will do the job. It’s a costly purchase if a. It isn’t the cable at fault and b. The cable we source is not the correct one. Trying to ask in as many places as possible in the hope someone can come up with a solution. We have thought it may be mice eating the cable as we do live very rural.
  5. Hi we have a Chausson flash 20 2014 fitted with a CBE150tr control panel and CBE fuse board DS309TR. We have owned the van for around 6 months and travelled extensively Morocco and Spain during that time with no problems. The van was stood for around a month. On return we found the 5amp fuse in the boite de securitie was blown and no 12v power nothing on the control panel. We have replaced the fuse and it blows again in one or other of the two boxes. We have disconnected the 16 core cable between the control panel and fuse box at both ends. The fuses are stable. If we reconnect the cable at the fuse box only, the fuses blow. The fuse/fuses still blow whether or not mains electric is connected. Both leisure batteries are under a year old and showing fully charged and we have a solar panel. An experienced engineer spent 3 hours last week and could not find the fault except perhaps suspecting the cable it’s self. Has anyone got any ideas. Any advice or suggestions gratefully received. We live in France and it is difficult to find specialists who can help. Thank you in advance
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