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Posts posted by Den

  1. Hi John 

    for some reason I missed your previous post with the photo   
    I have various equipment in my garage left over from my  Surgical instrument repair buissness and I thought I’d grind the metal to be thinner where i the nuts attach if not I’ll have to bite the bullet and buy some thinner gauge.  
    I will fit the exterior plate at the same time to make my wife feel more secure. 


  2. Thank you Derek 

    this plate is easily made and so simple, even more annoying now that fiat should be including this during manufacture. 
    I now have both doors tethered quite a tidy easy to release from the inside. 
    I have some quality 3mm plate in the garage and after a few days rest ( op yesterday) will strip the door panel and fit the plate. 
    thanks again for taking the time to post the pic. 
    I guess it’s to protect that rod on the left side. 


  3. I’ve been searching the inner lock protection and can’t find anything the same as the video. 
    interesting that John has made he’s own plate. 
    could you tell me how he if you had bend it like in the video, I’m all for making something but I would purchase the exterior plate from eBay £26 ish, but unable to find a black one which I would like. 

  4. Hi Jeremy 

    first time we’ve stayed in that area. 
    we normally leave ALmoradi mid morning and make our way to St Marie de La Mer and used the Aire so many times without problems. 
    im sure someone walked past and noticed my wife’s watch which she never takes off normally till bed time. But this time she did !! 
    Drivers protected and both front doors tethered to the seats. Very strong. 
    rear door alarm fitted ( window type works brilliantly) sliding door a more basic approach strap from easy close handle around the drivers seat. It works and screw holes. And 2 very small noticeable in front side widows just to put rat bags on edge   
    it won’t put us off , but we will be far more careful which really isn’t me normally. 

  5. 22 minutes ago, laimeduck said:

    Den thanks ... can't find that?

    Is it Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer in the Carmargue?


    It’s near the coast from Perpignan. A mosquito riddled site. Not my choice we followed friends whom thought it should be ok and to be fare for the price for a 1 night stay it was ok  

  6. Beginning to think I’ll have to get the welder out. 
    so annoying. 22 years and no problems. 
    Mandy they found so easy to gain entry in complete silence. 
    luckily our dog is a barker and sound so ferocious. 

  7. Thank for that John, it’s what I hoped would be the case. 

    hi Colin 

    we have 16 to 18 reg transit minibuses and luckily we have had no break ins other than some travelers breaking into 2 of them using the keys which were in a locked key safe in the office. 
    they ripped out window switches and removed 2 cats 

    would have been worse but one of our drivers turned at 03.50 and noticed doors open. 

  8. Am I right in saying and I’m unable to find an answer on line that it’s only drivers that needs protection due to the fact it has a key hole and the locking mechanism inside is different to all the other doors 


  9. I’ve emailed Fiat and received a quick response and now waiting for a phone call 

    I’m amazed that now I’ve done a search that the same problem has gone on since 2005. 
    wht the heck have they not done a simple fix. 
    I thought by using defender bags for the keys ( keyless entry and ignition) that I’d taken decent precautions. Silly me. Never thought the door lock couldn’t stop a 6 year old. 
    we're not claiming for my wife’s watch because we end up paying higher insurance. 
    couple of grand down the drain and more importantly an upset wife and we all know. 
    happy wife happy life. 
    so god help me for the next couple of months 😟

  10. Hi John 

    I removed one of the screws in the door panel and fitted an eye bolt and then removed a screw from the seat base and fitted an alloy plate. 
    I then cut some quality nylon ratchet material and took this to the local shoe repairer 

    sawing it to spring clip works really well and now I’ve seen the video that Derek found I’ll be ordering these for all the doors. 
    I’m thinking preventative measures are better than more damage. 

  11. Hi 

    the watch wasn’t on view it was on the lower shelf in dash board completely out of view. 
    I will be taking the door panel off to see how I can make it more secure. 
    the strap I’m fitting will hopefully stop the tinkers ( stronger language will get the post pulled ) 

    what makes it worse is my wife never takes the watch off in the daytime, but it was quite hot and her fist swelled. Cost a fortune and claiming only puts up insurance rates. 
    I’ll take a look at you -tube. 
    thanks John 

  12. Hi john

    thanks for that info. 
    I’ve now found an easy tidy way without drilling holes to secure the front doors. 
    sliding door was my next project to secure and as you say easy to open in an emergency. 

  13. I’ve been looking at the door and a decent sized screw will take a bracket and I’ll attach these to the seat base as Jeremy mentioned. 
    🤞🏻should have something made and fitted tomorrow and with the cameras fitted along with the camera stickers on the windows it should deter intruders. 
    sliding door next on the agenda. 

    • Thanks 1
  14. Thanks Jeremy 

    I’ll look tomorrow to see if I can release any screws etc fit an eye and I have some turnbuckles in the garage. 

    hi Keith

    i fitted something similar to these supped by the police to our house and my medical mobile workshop after they stole my large Karcher steam jet wash from the garage and 2 weeks later they broke into my van on the drive and stole my Honda generator. Little tinkers. 
    the alarm did go off, but it didn’t stop them. 
    mill be fitting on view small cameras in the front windows and some anchorage eyes. 

    im so annoyed after so many years to have this happen and on a decent site in France. 
    I contacted the site for them to view their camera and they are only there for show. They say. 


  15. Thanks for that Keith 

    but I guess they have to be screwed into virgin metal and not remove a screw to replace with something ie a eye or something similar. 


  16. Hi Jeremy 

    im interested to hear you’ve overcome the front doors. 
    Are you removing a screw / bolt to introduce the eyes and is this on a relatively new MH 


  17. On our return from Spain last week something strange happened. During the early hours ours dogs started barking and I noticed the lock door red light on the dash was not illuminated. I checked the sliding door which was fine, but the drivers was ajar. 
    I thought I’d perhaps left it open. 
    on our return home my wife can not find her gold watch which she took off when the heat caused her wrist to swell and my sat nav case has disappeared. Sat nav wasn’t in the case luckily. 
    I couldn’t understand how entry was achieved, but a young clever mechanic popped round. I thought they’d used new technology to enter. Keyless ignition and easy entry doors, but they hadn’t they’d used old tech just a small disfigurement in the rubber surround of the door handle. 
    mots a late 2023 Fiat pvc Malibu. 
    with the new inner door handles you can’t use the old way of straps to make entry extremely difficult. 
    it’s very disturbing after 22 years of no problems and it must have taken seconds to gain entry. God knows what could have happened had we not had the dogs. 
    only King Charles, but Penny sounds like a Rottweiler. 

  18. Extremely impressed how quickly I received the windscreen sticker after only 5 days of filling in the online form. Cost €4.76 incl post. 
    easy to fill out form and although I’m not planning on entering many larger towns, I have it just incase. 

  19. We travel to Spain frequently and this time I purchased the Crit’air certificate for €4.76 just to be on the safe side should we stray into an area requiring one. 
    might be worth googling Germany etc for the similar requirements, it took me probably 5 mins to fill out the simple form. 
    enjoy your trip 


    ps 17 days and counting for our next trip 😎

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