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Posts posted by Klyne

  1. Thanks for all the comments and advice. Thought I would take the opportunity to update you. Reviewing our situation and the likelihood of not getting much use out of the motorhome we decided to sell up. I decided on two courses of action, one I contacted our dealer where we purchased the motorhome and secondly I contacted one of those companies who advertise in MMM that they will buy motorhomes. I got a very positive response from White Arches Motorhomes. However the response form the "we buy any motorhome company" was a bit surprising. Basically they said they were not currently in the market to buy motorhomes at the moment as they had plenty of stock. I therefore didn't think it worthwhile to contact more companies and decided to discuss the situation with White Arches (now part of the Spinney Motor Group) We arranged a date (today) to take the motorhome in as the offer was subject to inspection which is not unreasonable. Fortunately they honoured the original price and the money was in my account by mid afternoon and I have even had confirmation from the DVLA about the change of ownership (they don't do this part until I have confirm I have the full payment) So in the end a lot less stressful than I imagined it would be. Probably not sunk in yet but it brings to an end nearly 45 years of caravanning and motorhoming. There are lots of other opportunities out there for alternatives (it won't be race around the world😊) which we are currently investigating. I am sure I will maintain an interest in camping and motorhoming but from a distance. I intend to hold onto our CMC membership for a while as we might explore their Experience Freedom offer to see if it suits.


  2. 4 hours ago, Brian Kirby said:

    Comes to us all, eventually, David.  😞  We sold ours just over a year ago to a dealer 55 miles away, which we regard as a reputable firm, with which we have had numerous dealings since 2005 when we got out first van - 'though we had never actually bought a van from them (ours have all been LHD imports, which means they cost less to buy, but inevitably sell for less in UK ).

    In the event, when they put it up for sale they'd fitted new tyres all round.  The originals were in good condition but 2017 vintage, so over 5 years old - which I considered a responsible act on their part - and also swapped the original steel wheels for a set of 4 black alloys that certainly suited the van, but I thought a bit of pointless bling. 

    However, it seemed it sold fast, so maybe the bling was well judged!  I think we got a fair price compared to (somewhat post Covid inflated) asking prices for similar vans at that time.  Could we have got more by selling privately?  Almost certainly, but at near £40K I was dubious about doing "doorstep deals" with complete strangers, whereas the dealer's money was in our account by the time we got back home by train.

    Ultimately it is a compromise between the risks of selling privately and the lower price from selling to a business - who naturally want a profit on the sale.  You have to do what you feel most comfortable doing.  However, I'd treat Dawki's claim that selling privately yields a 30% bonus though.  🙂 I think a five year old LHD Knaus/Ducato PVC might have struggled to sell at over £50K, even then!  Who knows? 

    Why not make enquiries from dealers in your area, especially for the same brand as your van, to see how they react - including the dealership you bought it from if fairly local (can add a bit of "cred" to their eventual sales pitch, which just might be reflected in their offer! 🙂 ).  Good luck whatever.

    Oh, and don't be surprised if you suffer from "van withdrawal symptoms" when it's gone!!!

    Thanks Brian, I imagine we will get withdrawal symptoms as we have caravanned and motorhomed for nearly 45 years!!! As I mentioned our problem is that we are both likely to have operations for hip or knee replacement sometime in the next year and in the meantime I am not sure how much enjoyment we would get from being away in the van but with limitations on what we can do. Our van is only 5 years old and pretty low mileage so if the layout suits someone they would have a good van. I had thought about asking our dealer about buying the van. They are White Arches and as you have probably seen they have been in a period of flux having now been purchased by Spinney. Like you I am not keen on the idea of selling privately but can perfectly see that those brave enough to do it will get a better deal. 


  3. Unfortunately we are beginning to show our age, me with knee problems and my wife with her hip. We are just wondering if its worth keeping the van as its possible it won't get much use in the immediate future. It's only five years old with pretty low mileage. I wonder if anyone has any advice on selling our motorhome. I am not keen on selling privately which I appreciate leaves options where the value realised will be less but hopefully the other side of that is less complicated and quicker? Lots of people advertising that they want to buy your van in MMM, has anyone gone done that route and willing to comment of the ratio between what is offered and what it is likely to be offered for sale at? Has anyone use Motorhome Depot which I understand is a brokerage company, does it work out at a better price v length of selling price?



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