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Strange Smell


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On our trip to Brittany a couple of weeks ago I noticed a sweet smell coming from inside of the motorhome when I lifted the seat the smell was coming from the voltage regulator inside the locker ,the weather was extreamly hot and we were on hook up so the regulator was running a bit hot , then when we were driving around there was a light whiff now and again from the unit.

Would this be because of the warmer conditions or could the unit be faulty although it is functioning ok.

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Sounds like ( or should i say smells like) something is over heating and burning in the unit because of a fault and it needs to be checked out by an expert. It should not be making any smell when you are driving around although could have been residual smell from when you were on hook up.

The smell is also likely to be toxic if it is a result os a component or the printed citcuit board is burning so do not go smelling for it too much.



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