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LEZ and Boris the Buffoon


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Not sure if I go along with your title here Bill - far too early to say that Boris is a buffoon as a mayor. What we know for certain is that the lot that are currently running the country certainly are.


Anyway more to the point; I think today's developments might be significant. Apparently, and according to the BBC, as a consequence of the proposed changes to motor car licence duty Green Piece has come out against imposing retrospective penalties (taxes) on old cars saying that such approaches discredit the whole principle of green taxes.


Hopefully that message might be heard by the Capital's new mayor and our "listening" PM.



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Quite right too - We can be as fluffy as we like about the environment whilst we can afford to be and personal survival is at the bottom of the heap - but as soon as we start to drill extra holes in our belts survival takes over and the environment slips way down ones personal agenda
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Just about 'on thread'. You are all aware of the truckers protest today, I assume. I was somewhat amused to hear the 'Greenpeace' rep. on B.B.C. state that fuel taxation charged should contine and we must be 'encouraged' to use public transport. Would someone explain to me how I can continue Motorcaravanning holidays if I have to use 'public transport'? Does that not infringe on my 'uman rites'? (lol)
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While I can understand the argument regarding the use of public transport in favour of using our own cars if all of the public transport was full.


I would like to see some evidence of the fuel use per PERSON per mile for public transport as from what I have seen lately there has to be some questions raised regarding the number of buses that are run either empty or with only a couple of people on them I don't know what a bus does to the gallon but i wouldn't have thought it was that good.


I used a Park & Ride system recently and the buses were being run whether people were on them or not, while I can understand that was to meet the time tables, it still raises the question of Fuel use per person carried, do they have these figurers as without them how can they claim that public transport is Green ?


Taxi's are classed as public transport can someone tell me how a Taxi running empty or for a lot of the time with only one rich passenger (I can't afford to use one) make it Green


Sorry Rant over



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The LEZ does not penalise me but I am appalled at the effect on fellow motorhomers.


I seem to recall that there used to be a principle in English law that retrospective legislation was fundamentally unfair. Labour politicians of course ignore such niceties when it suits them. In particular, whenever this sleazy bunch of shysters talk "green" it is simply that they think they can get away with increasing the tax take to fund their vast client state of hand-outs, quangos, agencies and jobs for the boys and girls.


When various ministers wriggled on hooks in the media yesterday and talked of people changing their behaviour reaping the benefits, they were either lying or simply mis-informed in at least one category of vehicles. When I placed an irrevocable deposit for my van, I paid a substantial premium for a new, environmentally more friendly "Euro IV" engined model. In part, I was motivated by the then £60 per year road tax rate for vehicles with that engine standard. Between order and delivery, our Government whelched on the deal and increased road tax to £180 (£185 this month). Moral - don't believe a green word they say!


Let's hope that Boris has the traditional, inate sense of British fair play commensurate with his background. Punishing people with older technology motorhomes, after they have made massive monetary investments based on a tax regime at the time they made their purchases has to be the fiscal equivalent of shooting fish in a barrel and surely very un-British?


Bob >:-)

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I think you are having wishful thinking if you think the Tories will drop the LEZ. It's a money making scheme and ALL politicians love those!


The revenue will already be included in LA budgets, the contracts with firms to run and collect money will be signed and in place long ago, the scheme is in operation and it will cost a fortune to remove the hardware and equipment. Even politically the Tories have pledged to stick to Labours' budget plans for 3 years and by then everyone will be used to paying it.


There may be the chance to tweak it and get exemptions, but I fear it's in for good.

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I take the point you make, but if its anything like the first round of the congestion charging from what i have been given to understand that didn't raise enough money to actually pay for itself, and I think Boris has made a claim to look at the viability of any schemes, if they find that the implementation and running costs exceed the income that the scheme generates we may well see it fade away, we can but hope ??albeit don't hold your breath



Tomo3090 - 2008-05-28 10:16 AM


I think you are having wishful thinking if you think the Tories will drop the LEZ. It's a money making scheme and ALL politicians love those!


The revenue will already be included in LA budgets, the contracts with firms to run and collect money will be signed and in place long ago, the scheme is in operation and it will cost a fortune to remove the hardware and equipment. Even politically the Tories have pledged to stick to Labours' budget plans for 3 years and by then everyone will be used to paying it.


There may be the chance to tweak it and get exemptions, but I fear it's in for good.

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In an interview on The World At One today it was put to the Chancellor that many people, including Green Peace, had argued that his retrospective taxes could not possibly work because people had already bought their "polluting" vehicle.


His response "Well, I don't accept that ..."


Says it all




PS I see we have another Brown re-launch today - In a stroke he's increased North Sea oil production, banned cluster bombs, and it's free statins for all - roll on the next 5 year tractor plan




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