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Do you delete your Cookies


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Just thought I would ask if anyone else can remember this subject being raised before ?


I seem to remember some time ago there was a thread somewhere which suggested that you should always delete any cookies from sites as some of them use these to know if you were a regular or new customer


I think the suggestions was that if you were identified as a regular then you would/could be offered a higher price than a new customer, a bit like the discounts that are often given to new customers on insurance policies etc.


does anyone remember this or am i dreaming, as if its true then its seems its quiet important if you buy/book on line



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Its usually a very good ideal to delete cookies and temporary internet files on a regular basis.

The good side is that you free up lots of hard disk space and delete those tracking cookies.  The 'slight' downside is that you have to re-enter your id and password the first time you go back to a forum like this.


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I have just been through the exercise of deleting cookies and temporary internet files, plus making the cookies security "medium to high", to obviate a problem which is associated with cookies.

Been in the habit of forwarding some jokes and photos to friends, but one has discovered that when he opens the photo attachment, then clicks on the blue arrows at the base, as if to go forward or back, only to find that various icons, as seen in toolbars, plus porno pictures appear, and are unrecognised as ever being seen through my PC. I did a check of mail sent, & he was correct.

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A very useful utility can be found at




This utility will do a general cleanup of files that are redundant, reduntant registry links, etc.


It will delete cookies, but you can set up reserved cookies that are not deleted.


Was called in the IT trade as cr*p cleaner, (proabably still is ;-) )


Default settings are fine, but if you want to improve the effectiveness, you can fiddle !


One downside is that it will only clean the current account, so if you have to run it as each user. Upside is that each user can keep their own cookies, downsides is that you have to run as each user to delete temp internet and other files.




Edited to change link

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Guest Tracker
It you use Mozilla Firefox instead of Internet Explorer you can set it to delete all cookies on exiting the programme.
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Thanks Bazza. That was brilliant. It looks like a good site too.... it didn't recognise my question on the little red cross when I try to copy photos to this site (something came up about belly fat 8-) ) but I shall go back to it I am sure with lots of other questions. Thank you again. Joy
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When you go on to Add and Remove prog; I see a long list of security updates from microsoft and Internet Explorer dating back to 2005 or 06 ! are you suposed to leave these on or do you remove them and only leave the latest?? Im just wondrig no wonder my putter is running slower even though I defrag and remove cookies.
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maggyd - 2008-05-30 5:13 PM When you go on to Add and Remove prog; I see a long list of security updates from microsoft and Internet Explorer dating back to 2005 or 06 ! are you suposed to leave these on or do you remove them and only leave the latest??

Don't delete these as they each fix different things.  You may well find that if you delete them they will be downloaded and reinstalled again. 

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