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My Autocruise Stardream, bought new in August 2006, has proved to be a well-manufactured conversion apart from the “economy” trims surrounding the pilot lights at front & back of the luton. I have had these changed twice, due to rust, before the 12 month warranty ran out, but the last replacements are again rusting fast. With the demise of Autocruise and Swift’s refusal to honour any warranty claims from the original marque, I am left with having to find suitable replacements from an alternative source.

The trims are circular “plated” approximately 7cm in diameter and made from rapidly rusting crap metal. Does anyone out there know of a supplier that might stock something similar? Brown streaks do not go well with white plastic!


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Welcome to the forum.

Just the sort of question to get things moving.

2 things - Why have Swift's not honoured the warranty ?

All the trade press has indicated that Swift's stated they would honour same.

Regarding the pilot light surrounds, if no success with Swift's, a couple of possible solution come to mind.


Are the removable from the luton easily

if so the existing may be in suitable condition to have either chrome electroplated or treated with an Anti-rust product & then coated with hammeruite or similar.


Alternatively check with the "spares" providers like O'Leary's, (Beverley) Magnum, (Grimsby) etc. See Motorhomes on the left and work through for these & other contact detail.

Or even a local "Caravan" dealer with a good parts dept.


You don't mention were you are, so if you post your location or add it to your profile. We could narrow it down a bit.

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Thanks for that. I haven't tried Swift as I inderstood it had refused to honour warranty claims. In any event, the warranty has expired and they would probably have sent the same crappy trims! I will investigate replating or as you suggest or try to treat and paint. Thanks for your help.
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We had a Starspirit with the same problem and Autocruise replaced both lights but I seem to recall only changing the rusty bezels, at which time I treated the old ones with Fertan rust converter and then painted them to keep as spares ready for when the ones ones rusted - then we sold the van so I don't know if they were ever needed!


They are made of cheap and nasty materials but they do not detract from an otherwise well made and very practical van except for irritation value.


Best advice is learn to live with it or take one off and source a better one - maybe all plastic - from a motor factor - and sit back and relax and see if indeed time does prove it to be a better one?

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I'm not familiar with the item or the vehicle, but there are various types of treatment to minimise or prevent the approach of corosion, find a plating firm and walk in with a sample of the problem.


Second find a sheet metal workshop and ask if they can make stainless one's, if they can and it's a viable proposition then you may be able to have them produce a number and sell them to others members.


Aluminium is also an option but does require a chemical treatment to prevent corrosion.


Plastic has also been suggested. Plastic sheet in various thicknesses is readily obtainable, ask around the industry.


Gutter and Facia boarding fitters often have odd ends of sheeting left over, usualy white and about 3mm thick.



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I believe WOJA's warranty-related statement is correct. My understanding is that Swift, on setting up the current company Autocruise Motorhomes Ltd, did not take on responsibility for warranties for motorhomes manufactured by the 'old' company Autocruise CH before October 8, 2007.


Rachel Stothert wrote a detailed piece that explained the situation (MMM January 2008, pages 206 & 207).

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