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Ducato front seats

Guest peter

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Guest peter
Anybody changed these seats for something more comfrtable? I heard that puegeot 406 ones fit but they don't look much better than the originals. Are there any more that fit or do I need a better of model Puegeot.
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I maybe missing the point ?


I think that you will find that the front seats are replaced / reupholstered by the converter.( Unless you are talking about m/home on a "trade" chassis.


We have a Rapido, and apart from the usual problem of the seats being a bit high because the seats rotate back to the cabin area, they are very comfortable and with arm rests, its like driving in an arm chair.




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tonyishuk - 2008-06-02 3:57 PM


I maybe missing the point ?


I think that you will find that the front seats are replaced / reupholstered by the converter.( Unless you are talking about m/home on a "trade" chassis.


We have a Rapido, and apart from the usual problem of the seats being a bit high because the seats rotate back to the cabin area, they are very comfortable and with arm rests, its like driving in an arm chair.




I think you must be, Not all motorhomers have such nice seats as thoughs rapidos!! :-D Some of us have to put up with basicaly white van man market seats. And although many manufactures recover the front seats tehy are essentially white van man seats.

As for the poster , I have asked this question myself a few times, No one has been able to answer yet. I would not mind the peugot seats if true and you could find a high enough spec one to get perhaps leather and armrests.

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As someone who gets fortunately only gets occasional back pain from an old injury I've found modern commercial van seats to be really comfortable, particularly Ford seats which I can drive in all day (6/8 hrs) and get out without limping! I know someone who fitted Saab seats into a Landrover Defender for a similar reason to me but very much worse.


I think vehicle seats have improved no end and coupled with adjustable steering wheels don't cause me any problems. Lorry seats must be terrific with the built-in suspension.


You seem to be wanting to change seats for appearence sake rather than practicality. Nothing wrong with that if you want leather trim etc. We're got that on our IH camper but it doesn't impress me much as I'm always concerned that they will get damaged and be expensive to recover. If its simply looks you are after you can always change seats for those that take your fancy or get yours recovered. Boy racers change seats all the time, depends what you would sooner have than money


The seats on our Ducato are pretty good too. My wife who drives a lot loves the seats in the Ducato with their high position as she doesn't need to sit on a cushion anymore. She reckons she needs longer arms though to reach the handbrake, I'll just keep feeding her bananas!

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