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France and Sat nav


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Hi All, I know the French police are very anti rader dectors. How do the feel about sat navs with speed camera warning using the GPS? I know of somebody who was given a very high instant fine and cofiscation of the radar dector, and also heard of impounding of vehicles. Can somebody better travelled than I spill the beans. Thanks.
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We use our Sat Nav all the time here and it has Speed camera warnings on it.

As far as Radar Detectors are concerned they are on open sale here in all the big Supermarkets and electrical outlets. If they were illegal I think that they wouldn't be allowed to sell them. Have a look at the following link:



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Radar detectors become illegal in France from 1st July. (as well as all vehicles being obliged to carry warning triangles and a reflective yellow jacket). Speed camera warnings on sat navs are not radar detectors.


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robin - 2008-06-02 7:54 PM


Radar detectors become illegal in France from 1st July. (as well as all vehicles being obliged to carry warning triangles and a reflective yellow jacket). Speed camera warnings on sat navs are not radar detectors.


I don't mean vehicles being obliged to carry warning triangles and a reflective yellow jacket will become illegal - I mean the opposite. -

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Mike, You have missed my point. I am not suggesting I will be speeding. I want to make sure that a sat nav with speed camera site as POIs was legal and wounld not cause me a problem. Thanks to those who have helped me with this query
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Mike Parke - 2008-06-02 9:34 PM Forgive me, but surely if one remains within the speed limit why worry about the location of the cameras? personally when on hoilday I am qiute happy to 'trundle' alomg at 50 m.p.h when not within a B.U.A.

Well, yes, Mike, but there are more speed limits than just the 50kph and 90kph variety that you refer to.  These are 60kph limits, 70kph limits and 80kph limits - and your 50mph exceeds two of those, so even on that basis the warnings might be valuable, especially if the sat nav gives audible warning of the limits, rather than just where the Gatsos are.  It is also interesting how observant of speed limits most Europeans have become over recent years, and especially how French police resort to hiding behind vans etc to zap you, so watch out!  The times they are a- changing!

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Having just returned from a 2000+ mile tour of France (using my TomTom continually), like Brian I have noticed that the French are very speed conscious now, particularly in the towns signposted with the lettering in red. With very few exceptions, drivers are very orderly, courteous and not "pushy" in built-up areas.


What a pity it is not the same in England!


Incidentally, diesel is not that much cheaper than in England now (I paid as much as 1.53 euros) with unleaded much dearer than that. Most of my travelling was done on National or Departmental roads but out of six toll charges my motorhome (classe 2) was charged twice as classe 3 and once as classe 4! I have just written to Cofiroute to claim a refund of 33,90 euros (£27+).



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You do often see the French police doing road check now, both for speed and just if they feel like it, they'll pull you over! We've never had this but have seen plenty of cars signalled to stop for a check, they like lurking round corners, hiding behind other vehicles etc, or just as you get into a village boundary. You may also be flashed by motorists coming towards you to warn you that there are police on lurking but be warned DO NOT be tempted to reciprocate for others, if you get caught you'll be guillotined or get fined!


Sat nav abroad can be very useful, as we found out when trying to get to a police station in Holland at 4.00 am!!! No way would we have found it without a lot of hassle ... assuming we would've found it at all! Make sure you have your POI's turned on for petrol stations etc as well, they are very useful, we found a nice little garage on the way back just off the A16 motorway in Belgium at Veurne, the cost was 1.349 euros a litre, on the way out the cheapest we found was 1.334 euros a litre on the outskirts of Brugge. France was a bit dearer at 1.399 a litre at Auchan in Calais but as we only needed a top up we didn't bother to 'shop' around however, if you do go to get fuel in Calais Auchan tends to be the cheapest as the petrol stations just off the main roundabout on the same road are quite a bit dearer. I'm glad, though, that we don't have a petrol camper as it was dearer than in the UK by quite a way.

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