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Holland - Attacked Motorhome!

Mel B

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Hi Mel,

I have just read your postings about your incident. I won't say accident because to my mind that implies you could have done something to prevent it.

I went up to collect my van from it's storage site this morning only to find some person had forced entry and trashed the wiring,ingnition switch, ECU etc etc . One hell of a mess and I expect a few K to put right.

The reason that I am writing is because although you mention the reaction of your insurance company to the repairs, what about your future insurance with them. Whilst agreeing that this is an incident out of my control my insurance are treating it as a claim that they cannot recover from a third party and are calling in my £200 excess(which I expected) but they are also taking away 2yrs No Claims Bonus. Seems a bit harsh, I suppose they will say it is a no CLAIMS bonus and not a no blame bonus.

Has your insurance mentioned anything?

I once had a car catch fire and was written off but that was not treated like this and I did not lose NCB thought this would be treated similar

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janschrik Can you expand on "There appears to be a problem there with a lot of people not being happy about motorhomes parking, no matter whether in official stopping areas or not, it appears to have even happened on some camp sites" I have been to Holland many times always found the people freindly and helpful. Also what problems have you seen from youths in Ireland. How many times have you been to Ireland & Holland. Never I suspect.
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hymerdriver - 2008-07-01 6:28 PM


janschrik How many times have you been to Ireland & Holland. Never I suspect.


Hi hymerdriver - I think you'll find that he lives in Holland.

I notice that you are a new member - welcome. Took me a time to find my way around too but if you click on a members name you can usually read some information about them.

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Guest JudgeMental


There was a thread on another forum recently regards a serious incident of vandalism, and motorhomers being CS gassed when they tried to remonstrate with the hooligans. at an Aire in France down inland from la Rochelle.


We are of to Italy in a few weeks, so I had a look on GPS for an Aire in Belgium. I Googled the one I was interested in and found a site with reviews. there was a history of serious hooliganism and vehicles being ransacked and painted with graffiti at an Aire near to the one I was thinking of using.


My point being, no nation has a monopoly on bad behavior, be very careful where you stay, access the risks and do as much homework as possible *-)


Chances are if there is a history of incidents at a location it will be on the web somewhere......

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Oh Fred, only just seen your posting on the damage to your van...... can't obviously help with it but just sending some genuine empathy and anger your way...... what is it with these people ... I darn't say they are mentally deranged as they would use thjat as an excuse in court and continue to walk away scot free. Joy
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fred22 - 2008-06-30 10:22 PM Hi Mel, I have just read your postings about your incident. I won't say accident because to my mind that implies you could have done something to prevent it. I went up to collect my van from it's storage site this morning only to find some person had forced entry and trashed the wiring,ingnition switch, ECU etc etc . One hell of a mess and I expect a few K to put right. The reason that I am writing is because although you mention the reaction of your insurance company to the repairs, what about your future insurance with them. Whilst agreeing that this is an incident out of my control my insurance are treating it as a claim that they cannot recover from a third party and are calling in my £200 excess(which I expected) but they are also taking away 2yrs No Claims Bonus. Seems a bit harsh, I suppose they will say it is a no CLAIMS bonus and not a no blame bonus. Has your insurance mentioned anything? I once had a car catch fire and was written off but that was not treated like this and I did not lose NCB thought this would be treated similar

I sympathise greatly with Mel and Fred, and for that matter anyone whose van has been wantonly vandalised.  However, in Mel's case I am inclined to suspect they were no more than in the wrong place at the wrong time.  A gang of youths/kids seems to have picked up a handful of rocks/stones each, fired off a volley in the general direction of the motorhomes, and scarpered.  Mel's misfortune was that their van was nearest to the gang, and so collected all the (considerable and distressing) damage.  Sadly, such individuals exist pretty much everywhere.  Fortunately, there are not that many of them, which is why most of us get away with it most of the time.  So much, then, for the damage.

The really important thing post event is repair, and how your insurer will treat this.  It cannot be overemphasised, as Fred has unfortunately discovered, that policy documents should be closely read before paying the premium.  Life inevitably being stranger than fiction, it is impossible to dream up all the scenarios that may arise, so probably not worth trying.  However, given a bit of reflection, it is reasonably possible to foresee the main risks with one's own van, and where one intends using, and storing, it and to comb the policy for get outs.  If in any doubt as to what anything means, contact the company and seek clarification, then ask them to confirm what they have said in writing, ideally not by e-mail - since it could later be claimed this was fabricated.  You want a proper letter, on proper company headed paper - and don't many of them now hate doing this?  Still, if they refuse, make clear that is the reason you won't be buying their insurance.

Insurance is a contract, the essence of which is risk.  Through your premium you pay for cover against various risks.  Do not make assumptions.  If a risk is not stated to be covered, it isn't! 

Select your prospective insurers on reputation, and exclude any that aren't well regarded.  Then get quotes from at least three of the remaining good guys.  Always ask for sample policy documents with the quotes.  If any won't do this, dump them as well.  When reviewing the quotes, read and compare all the policy documents, noting any apparent anomalies in the cover offered.  If you like the price of one but the cover offered by another, phone the cheap one and check whether the bits you like are included.  Never accept "I think so"!  Get the conformation in writing, and make sure it is unambiguous. 

If company A charges a lot less for its insurance than company B, there are broadly three reasons why.  Company A is super-efficient: company A wants your business badly and is prepared to cut its margins to get it: company A's insurance covers fewer risks than does company B's.  The super efficiency argument doesn't really convince me, and in any case how can you possible know?  Unsafe assumption.  They want your business?  Maybe, but this will show in their attitude.  If they are responsive, helpful, and competitive, and readily confirm any queries, you're probably in luck but watch out for rises in the renewal premiums!  Inadequate cover?  You will have read the documents by now, so this will be obvious, won't it?  :-)

What it all means is that insurance is a time consuming, boring, fag that costs you dear if you get it wrong.  Don't wait until the reminders hit the doormat before you start, you need time to get in first and that means at least a month before the renewal is due.  Then just grin and bear it until you are happy.  It is only once a year after all, and not even that often if you're happy with the cover and the premium hasn't risen too sharply.  However, if you claim - even for broken glass on some policies - (unless you have bought a protected no claims policy, and these are another can of worms to check before you pay) unless you are very lucky, your NCD will be adjusted in line with the stated conditions.  As Fred says, it is a no claims discount, and not a no blame discount.  Often unfair in operation, but a protected NCD is the best way out, albeit usually at greater cost.  It's all in the conditions, so the only advice is to read and read and read, and then read some more, and really think while reading.  So, no booze, and keep the aspirin handy!  :-)

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So sorry to hear of your troubles Mel and Fred. There seems to be little respect for other people's belongings these days wherever you are. I had some interferrence with the m/home in the middle of the night a few years ago on a well-guarded and patrolled 4/5 star site in Spain. Yet over five years at school nothing went missing from my desk and now in France I never lock the house, car or garage when I am there. When my neighbours go out they leave their key in the outside of the lock. I do wonder though how long this utopia will last!
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What an excellent, well thought-out and concise summary of the situation. Well done and thanks from me, at least.


My only caveat is that of a fallible,weak human being. Although it is, as you say, only once a year one has to reinsure the van, if you add in the other, similar events we have to go through in a year (insuring the other vehicle; tax returns; house insurance; mortgage renewals; business accounts etc etc) it means we are having to manage one of these infuriating bureaucratic endurance tests at least once per month. Small wonder that some of us fail to come up to the necessary level of rigour when making these choices from time-to-time.




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hymerdriver - 2008-07-01 7:28 PM


janschrik Can you expand on "There appears to be a problem there with a lot of people not being happy about motorhomes parking, no matter whether in official stopping areas or not, it appears to have even happened on some camp sites" I have been to Holland many times always found the people freindly and helpful. Also what problems have you seen from youths in Ireland. How many times have you been to Ireland & Holland. Never I suspect.

Sorry for reacting so late. I've been away for a week.

You asked something about my experiences; I've been about 7 times to the Republic the last 30 years. As another forum-member already concluded I am from Nederland.

In Ireland I've seen the situation change slowly as there are more and more motorhomes and the economical situation of the Republic also changes.some 20 years ago after and before the schoolhollidays it was very calm on the camp-sites and on the touristic highlights.

Nederland I know very well, the situation ia almost the same.

Problems with youngsters on aires (mostly public parkings) are everywhere and sometimes it helps when you when you have a little talk & coffee with them to tell them that they are too noisy and that you would like to sleep at a reasonable hour.

The reason I reacted inthis thread is that I was shocked by the quotation of a fellow countryman of mine that Mel used.

I personally think that his opinion is not a correct representation of the situation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nothing to report Brian, we're just waiting for the repairer to take delivery of the windows, until then we're having to be patient. If I don't hear anything by the end of next week I'll give them a ring and see if they have had any news or can check likely delivery date. At least that way it'll give us time to see what we can sort out if we have to. I really do NOT want to miss a holiday as we desparately need a rest and are hoping to go to France and pester CarolH for a couple of days and just have a good pootle about generally.


It's just a worry that, if we have to do a 'bodge' job on it, some oik will think it's fair game for more target practice. :-S


Trying to keep positive .... :->

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  • 3 weeks later...

The good news .... The windows have arrived!!!!!! :-D


The bad news .... the workshop is now so busy that they were originally offering to start work on 19th August ... we go on holiday on 21st! :-(


Managed to get them to take it in on Thursday 14th August instead and start work on Friday 15th ... we'll be keeping our fingers crossed that they get it done in time. :-S


We're going to ask them to do the dinette window first, then the toilet one & dint in the body, followed by the rest of the cosmetic damage including the passenger door, that way if they don't get it all finished at least the most important bit, the dinette window, will be done and we can take it back in again to have the remaining bits done once we get back from holiday.


Looks like we'll be able to go on holiday afterall - yippee! :->

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update ... van was due to go in for repair tomorrow afternoon for them to start on it on Friday ...... but that's all changed ..... :-(















It's going in first thing tomorrow morning instead as they got a van finished early so it'll give them another day to get it all done ... yippee!!!!!!! :->

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Good news ... collected the motorhome tonight. All nice and shiny again. :->


Unfortunately the pearlescent paint match on the bumper is more grey than cream, and the passenger door is too white - he used the correct colour coded paint to try to get a good match, however, the chap said if we're still not happy with it when we come back off holiday he'll re-do them for us. The actual repairs though are very good indeed and even though we know where the damage was we can't see anything there anymore.


We're just glad to get it back in time to get off tomorrow afternoon. Watch out France (and Carole & Charles) ... here we come!!!! (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)


Uh-oooo ... hubby's just told me he can't find his trunks! 8-) Looks like he'll be skinny dipping in the campsite's pool .... :D :$ ;-)

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