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Oil filter failure !!!

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Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anybody else has suffered with a failed oil filter, the one in qustion being a genuine Fiat item fitted 1500miles ago to my 22000 mile 2004 Fiat Ducato based Trigano Tribute.

Having been pitched up on a site in Northumberland for the weekend i drove up to the toilet block to empty the toilet cassette whilst my partner continued to collect the remainder of our belongings, on my return she showed me a pool of oil from where the van had been parked !

With the engine still running at this time i quickly threw myself on the floor to investigate to find oil pouring from the filter seal area.

Now with the engine turned off i tried to tighten the filter, but that wasn't the problem, then i removed the filter eventually to find the seal intact with no obvious damage anywhere, so then i picked the seal out of its recess to find that below the seal the canister had approximately four splits presumably where the filter is welded internally to keep the filter paper in position, however had my partner not noticed the pool of oil this could have ended with a very expensive bill which i doubt Fiat would have offered anything towards.

Is this an isolated incident or has anybody else had any problems along this line, please let me know


Steve Boothroyd



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In hundreds of years of motoring *-) I have never had an oil filter failure through manufacturing fault - but anything is possible.


I once drove away from a garage after a full service and the oil filter was not fully tightend, the oil light came on a few miles down the road, no harm came to the engine - since then -


When the filter is changed wether it be by garage or DIY, I always run the engine for at least 5 mins and check for all leaks including the oil filter.


Regards Terry

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Just nipped out to barn and had a look at VW and Ford filters, these have six spot welds under seal, hard to see how they could split, as an indulgence could you post piccy, I'd like to see that if only to get my head around it.
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