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Auto gearbox/AUTO SLEEPER


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HI ALL...anyone got any info on Ford Transit auto box.

Considering an Autosleeper Duetto on a 55 plate with auto box 2.4td.

IS IT REALLY FULLY AUTO. All info most welcome ,thanks in advance.


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Regarding how the Ford Transit auto-box functions, the easiest thing might be for you to trot along to a Ford dealership and ask if they've got a Transit Mk 6 handbook you can take a look at. (There are quite a few pages describing the automatic 'box)


As Colin says, this is an automated-manual unit. Its design differs radically from that of a 'traditional' automatic gearbox, but there is NO clutch-pedal and the gearbox either does its own gear-shifting or a driver can place it in manual mode. Mode selection is via dashboard-mounted buttons and gear-selection by buttons on the steering-wheel. (The latter not being the greatest idea when one thinks about it!)


Test reports on motorhomes fitted with this gearbox have praised its smooth operation, while fuel economy should be at least equal to (perhaps better than) that of a equivalent vehicle with an ordinary manual 'box. However, I'm aware that reliability problems with it have been reported. (Worth visiting the Ford Transit forum for more details.)


I believe that Ford does not offer an auto-box on the latest Transit Mk 7, but I don't know if this is because there was little demand for Mk 6 automatics or because the auto-box used on Mk 6s proved unacceptably fault-prone.

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Hi Manu and welcome. I've driven several of the Durashift automated manual gearboxes on Transit and its excellent, one of the best ASM boxes I've tried. Like Derek I have heard of some reliability issues and I'm aware that Ford no longer offer the Durashift but if you can get hold of a good un it'll do you proud.



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Hi ALL, one can not usually add anything to what Derek and Dave say but I would like to say that when driving an automated manual gear box it has a single plate dry clutch controlled by an E.C.U. so don't use the gearbox to hold the vehicle on a hill like you can with a torque converter type or you will burn out the clutch! So use the hand brake as one does with a manual gear box. I have an old Transit auto with torque converter type autobox and a car with A.M.T. The 1300 car does 37 MPG around town, my last car was a 1300 torque converter type auto, and only did 30 MPG around town. I don't know about long runs as they are all done with the Motorhome. Cheers all.
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I've got an 06 Duetto with the Durashift box and it's great to drive. Smooth changes, not as smooth as a torque converter box, but good nevertheless. There are three driving modes, fully loaded, icy conditions and economy. Fully loaded tends to hold the gears longer before changing and I usually leave it in economy. There are manual change buttons on the steering wheel but I never use them.


Shortly after buying the vehicle I was concerned at its reliability reputation but I must say it has performed faultlessly and has now covered 8500 miles.


Using a modified conventional gearbox and computer control it is supposed to offer better fuel economy than a manual box. This may be so but my fuel consumption is around 25mpg at 70 mph and perhaps 28mpg at 55mpg. Possibly not as good as the Fiat Ducatto.


One interesting feature is that, when changing down, the engine revs up to match the lower gear speed. I suppose in theory this should increase the life of the clutch and the synchromesh cones in the gearbox.


I am generally pleased with the build quality of the Duetto and I must say the after sales warranty service of the Autosleepers Service Centre in Willersey is excellent.

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I've got a 2002 Duetto with Durashift auto box and it is absolutely fantastic. I've only done 32000 but last week I met someone in France with a similar age vehicle to mine that has travelled 88000 miles with no auto box (or any other) problems.


My vehicle is only 90 bhp as opposed to the later 125bhp but still enables me to cruise easily at 80mph. I'm just back from a 2000 mile trip to Spain and averaged 34.8 mpg on mainly non motorway driving.


The box does not have a torque converter but is pretty smooth nonetheless. I have a true auto car and feel that the Duetto box is in fact more responsive to the need to change down through the gears so is far easier on brakes than the true auto.

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