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We are all Doomed !

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In the early 60's I travelled with a group of about 40 14-18 year olds from Manchester to Aldershot by train. The journey involved a tube trip in central London.

The point is that we were school army cadets in uniform carrying RIFLES. We were supervised by about three teachers!

Times do change!

Aside - the trains were driven by steam!

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Guest JudgeMental
libby - 2008-06-06 5:54 PM


Well said Bas.


Yes indeed, I understand that in fact stabbing is not increasing but quite the opposite. But the press & powers that be, want you terrified, living in fear etc... to justify there large salaries.


My heart goes out to the families how have lost their children. and I worry when my 2 young teenagers venture out onto the streets of London. But it is those in deprived areas that live intolerable lives and are more at risk.

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I have read most of the replies and while I can't deny that some of the past history that has been stated is I am sure true.


However that really doesn't alter my position, if i were around during the period where people have stated knife crime was happening before it wouldn't change my mind as it was neither right then or now and my Zero Tolerance attitude would be put into practice.


So please don't let us try to justify a terrible situation by saying ITS NOTHING NEW, who cares ITS NOTHING NEW it shouldn't be bloody well happening at any time, and whether its on deprived areas or non-deprived areas again has nothing to do with it ITS PEOPLES LIVES we are talking about IT HAS TO STOP NOW.


SO BACK YOUR POLICE/COUNCIL OFFICIALS and stop under mining them and blaming them its a bloody thankless job at the best of times and i know they get it wrong sometimes but they are the best you have. so support them.


As for the media promoting it for there own advantages or politicians doing the same, again who cares we all know what we think of both of those groups, it still dose not detract from the point this sort of crime is happening and while i can understand the points made about scarring people unnecessarily, sometimes this has to happen to stop us all becoming apathetic and just shutting our doors and hoping it won't happen, we need to stand up alongside of YOUR police/council officials and help them make this a better place to live


and as for the golf clubs becoming an offensive weapon, I can tell you mine are if you are anywhere near me on a Golf Course you will know exactly what I mean ?? Bas it looks like 9 irons at dawn ?? LoL


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Hi Braunston, I know this is immotive issue, and I agree that we don't back our police enough .... and yet they are the first people we call when we are in a dire situation .... however, neither do their superiors back them and what message does that send out.....


The police have a thankless job, arrest yobbos and for their trouble face parents who are as bad as their offspring, face reams of paperwork, and then stand in a court to see some judge (sorry Judge *-) ) rap their knuckles with a ruler. The idiots of this world are laughing at us.


HOWEVER, don't forget that people form opinions based on their own experiences. I won't bore you with my own in detail but I can say there have been several times that the police have done absolutely nothing to help a situation - once when I was almost killed in domestic violence situation - and twice when my daughter was beaten up (once sitting on a bus and once walking through a town centre to go to a bus stop - she didn't 'fit in' because of her hippy looks). Others will have similar stories and this DOES sadly affect how we then look at the police force as a whole.


When someone does stand up and be counted, like a police figurehead who recently commited suicide and was a tremendous loss to the force, the public you note DON'T jump on the media bandwagon where the media try to slate and undermine the good done by that person. We arn't always taken in by media nastiness. Sorry going on.... and deviating ... but the reason some of us feel the need to carry protection is based on experiences ... I can't use the golf club either ... it was last seen stuck up my ex-husband's backside when I finally walked away ... (I wish) ;-)

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Hi, Roon


Thank you for your reply,


If you and everyone followed the Zero Tolerance route that I keep proposing, then i think some of your bad experiences may not have happened as it seems to me that laws only work if people have an healthy level of fear in them,


To establish that healthy level of fear we as a nation must rigorously enforce the laws we have, as the alternative is what we have at the moment, where the ones who have no fear/no self-respect/no shame just do as they like and that makes life very difficult and uncertain for the rest of us ?


While I can understand that for most of these problems there is perhaps an underlying cause, lets put them away some where safe for the rest of us and then deal with the underlying cause not just give them pieces of paper and let them carry on.


I think the do-gooders, the people who keep telling us it the parents fault or its the schools or its always someone else's fault, have had there day.


I am sorry to say it hasn't made anything better, so now we the law abiding majority need to reclaim our rights to not feel intimidated, unwelcome, frightened to go out at night, frightened to stay in in some places.


We need our police/council official to act on OUR BEHALF not the poor criminals, once the perpetrators are off the streets we will all feel safer. so Support Your Police?Council Officials even when their masters try to undermine them, they are all we have, if we can turn it around then people won't feel wrongly that they need to carry weapons.


I would still nick anyone who was carrying a item whether it was a knife or any other item that could be used as an offensive weapon, as to start deliberating over it just wastes valuable time and helps no one


If you want to vote for me i will tell you where to send your donations LoL


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braunston - 2008-06-07 10:22 AM




I have read most of the replies and while I can't deny that some of the past history that has been stated is I am sure true.


However that really doesn't alter my position, if i were around during the period where people have stated knife crime was happening before it wouldn't change my mind as it was neither right then or now and my Zero Tolerance attitude would be put into practice.


So please don't let us try to justify a terrible situation by saying ITS NOTHING NEW, who cares ITS NOTHING NEW it shouldn't be bloody well happening at any time, and whether its on deprived areas or non-deprived areas again has nothing to do with it ITS PEOPLES LIVES we are talking about IT HAS TO STOP NOW.


SO BACK YOUR POLICE/COUNCIL OFFICIALS and stop under mining them and blaming them its a bloody thankless job at the best of times and i know they get it wrong sometimes but they are the best you have. so support them.


As for the media promoting it for there own advantages or politicians doing the same, again who cares we all know what we think of both of those groups, it still dose not detract from the point this sort of crime is happening and while i can understand the points made about scarring people unnecessarily, sometimes this has to happen to stop us all becoming apathetic and just shutting our doors and hoping it won't happen, we need to stand up alongside of YOUR police/council officials and help them make this a better place to live


and as for the golf clubs becoming an offensive weapon, I can tell you mine are if you are anywhere near me on a Golf Course you will know exactly what I mean ?? Bas it looks like 9 irons at dawn ?? LoL



I agree with you 100% and as a Grandmother of a young girl that has only just last week had to pick out of a lineup a 40 year old male who attacked her to steal her handbag and shoes and WHAT else she was subjected to she is too traumatised to tell ! he was high on drugs and we just thank God that he was disturbed by a passing motorist otherwise I cant even bare to think what might have happened. We need more police not less and more Laws to protect us WHEN it happens to someone you love you will want Hanging! the Birch! and anything else you can think off Believe me.

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Oh Maggy, I hope all is going well now for her. She is in my thoughts.


You are right. when it happens to someone you care about your whole conscience goes out of the window. I would gladly hang the violent yobbos who attacked my daughter up by their b**s and they could go cold turkey hanging there forever and a day. My daughter won't tell us everything that happened either,or what was said to her. I know it affects them for the rest of their lives even though it does become a bad memory. I don't need some pillock of society telling me that 'they need our help', they have had a lousy upbringing. Lots of people with a bad upbringing DON'T go around doing what they are doing and they get no support, no publicity, no encouragement whatsoever, no free driving lessons, no free holidays, .... aaaaaaaagh soap box about to burn with my anger.....

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