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Showing my ignorance - is Gaffer Tape the same as Duct Tape?


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The questions is in the title really. But there's a follow-on. If they are not the same, which would be the most useful for such things as on-site repairs to awnings and other temporary/bodged repairs that have to be carried out to vans and ancillary equipment whilst out and about?





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It is also known as Elephant Tape.


I believe that the name Gaffer Tape came about as the tape was widely used on film (and TV) sets by the lighting crew to secure their cables, and certain members of this crew are known as Gaffers - take a look at the credits at the end of the next film that you view.



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Hi Doug


Another tape I find extremely useful to have with me is UV greenhouse repair tape, a clear tape same width at Duct(k) tape. Excellent for windows, protecting labels, and covering over paint chips until they can be attended to properly.



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Duct tape and Gaffer tape are the same, I know it as gaffer tape as I used to manage a theatre and know it from there. There are different qualities of tape though, depending on where you buy it/what make it is. We've bought it from car boot sales, 'proper' shops, etc, etc and the last roll we bought was the silver/grey one from a car boot sale which is a very good quality one and sticks like ... er ... tape! Some aren't as tacky and come off easily and can be a pain when trying to tear a piece off. You can usually tell which is the better quality as it is a bit thicker and doesn't appear to have such a smooth a pattern on the surface. The rolls are usually black or silver/grey, we could buy different coloured ones for the theatre, they were a bit pricier but did the same job - they just meant that when marking the stage out for placement of scenery, standing points etc, the 'actors' could have their own colours. You don't have to pay a lot for it to be good, similarly, you can pay a lot and get a rubbish one!
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Technically, gaffer tape makes the claim that it will not damage the surface to which it adheres (eg., it shouldn't pull the piant off a wall).


Duct tape makes no such claim.


When we owned a video production company, we would pay the premium for product labelled as gaffer tape, but after a few years resorted to the more economical duct tape.


Whether there is a true difference, or a meketing difference only, I can't say.

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Technically, gaffer tape makes the claim that it will not damage the surface to which it adheres (eg., it shouldn't pull the piant off a wall).


Duct tape makes no such claim.


When we owned a video production company, we would pay the premium for product labelled as gaffer tape, but after a few years resorted to the more economical duct tape.


Whether there is a true difference, or a marketing difference only, I can't say.

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Technically, gaffer tape makes the claim that it will not damage the surface to which it adheres (eg., it shouldn't pull the paint off a wall).


Duct tape makes no such claim.


When we owned a video production company, we would pay the premium for product labelled as gaffer tape, but after a few years resorted to the more economical duct tape.


Whether there is a true difference, or a marketing difference only, I can't say.

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Hi Mike


I cannot remember where I bought our last reel. It is likely that I bought it from our local hardware store, but as we live in the sticks they sell everything for small scale farming too - not quite the same as B&Q!


I am sure it is available in DIY type places and I expect garden centres too. We are on our third roll, but then we have been using it for more than 20 years.




NB: It is also brilliant at keeping the water out if you puncture the skin of your motorhome !! Oh dear ..... yes I could see it but the OH is deaf.

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dragonflyer - 2008-06-11 9:38 PM


NB: It is also brilliant at keeping the water out if you puncture the skin of your motorhome !! Oh dear ..... yes I could see it but the OH is deaf.


Unfortunately I can testify to that fact! :-(

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Hi Mel B


I was very sorry to read about your heart wrenching episode in The Netherlands. We were there last year and encountered no problems at all. We find the Dutch are phlegmatic, not at all like being in Israel.


The tape I was suggesting to Mike is the UV greenhouse tape, which is is invisible unless close to. I kept three reels of tape, one of which matched the old MH. The new MH being silver I only need two.


Reading items in the forum I realise how long we have been camping and need to resist the temptation to preach.





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Just to confuse things a little, NO, Duct tape and Gaffer tape are not the same, we use Duct tape in the central heating game to make airtight seals on the inside of central heating boiler flue ducts and around the closure plates of gas fires, the tape has to be able to withstand the temperature inside the flue without the adhesion quality deteriorating or the tape scorching or catching fire, hence the coating of aluminium on the tape,

(please note that due to this aluminium coating, duct tape must not be used for repairing damaged electrical cables) Gaffer tape on the other hand does not have the same coating, and if used in the same type of environment the "sticky side" will dry out allowing the tape to be peeled off easily just leaving the hardened sticky residue on the fire surround or inside the flue duct, in extreme circumstances it has been known to burn, not only giving off a very nasty smell, but more importantly compromising the airtight seal on the flue and allowing CO fumes to escape into the wall cavity.



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