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Guest Ana

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I've been on the internet to web page by DEFRA and tried to do my homework but still prefer 1st hand advice and info from people especially with motorhomes ....!! ANY ideas etc please...!! Know I have to get rabies shots done 6 months in advance and add another month for blood tests to prove it took effect but anything else...?!! Know about getting ticks etc treatment on return too 24-48 hours in advance but please sure there is more I should know ...?!! Thank you!! Ana xx
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go to your vet who will micro chip your dogs, then he/she will vaccinate for rabies then he will charge a lot of money then you will go back to ensure via a blood test that your dog has developed sufficient immunity to said vaccine then he/she will fill out forms (and don't forget to ask him/ her to 'read' the micro chip each time you visit the vet) and then he/she will charge you more money and then before you bo worm them and de flea them and then go and 24-48 hours before you return you go to a vet who will worm them and then you bring them home and then you breathe a sigh of relief that all is well and you do this because you love them ( the dogs that is not the vets! happy travelling henry
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Thanks Henry!! I had to laugh at the "loads of money" but maybe when I enquire re the price I won't be laughing! As you say, we love our dogs...!! Can I presume you have done this? One tends to read about the problems but I suppose the same publicity isn't given to straight-forward cases? (I hope, 'cos if they quarantine my dogs, I'll be in kennels too..!!) Ana x
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Alf - yes, just now... thanks!! Very helpful they were too but I had comp probs and couldn't get on here and just found the post now!! Ana x
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Guest Peter Lawton-Harris
If you really loved your dogs instead of being selfish you would leave rthem in England. It's not the dogs that wish to go to Spain.
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  • 5 years later...
We have taken our dog away many times without problems. She has been from St Vincents point in the south west of Portugal to the north cape in Norway. She has seen ten countries in all. Just follow the rules and take the advice of your vet and all will be well. In spite of what you were told she does want to go to spain because you are going. Do not worry go and enjoy yourselves.
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Take a look at Dogs Away web site. We used them when we first started going to Europe and it was very comforting to know that everything had been done for us. They also give very comprehensive advice relevant to the countries you will be visiting. I have no connection to Dogs Away other than as satisfied customer.
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[QUOTE]t5tripper - 2010-12-16 9:52 AM Hi Ana Before you leave the Uk go to your vet and get your dog's chips scanned making sure they work correctly. If you come back and the chips do not work they will keep your dogs until it is sorted out ! Check your chips is what I say. [/QUOTE] Very true, but remember also that the coding system/database that is used all cross Mainland Europe is different to that used in the UK. If a UK-chipped dog is lost anywhere abroad, and local Police/vet find it there and scan it, the fact that there is a chip will show up, but they won't be able to read the coding on it and match that to your name/address. Thus, a good belt & braces approach is to ensure that the dog also has a collar tag with your name/address/mobile phone number on it.
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Great advice. The chip thing came up recently when someone tried to come back to uk and their chip was not working, everything else was in order but because they could not read the chip they would not release the pet for travel. The family were home with one of their dogs, the other dog was left behind and all very distressed, didn't hear an outcome - poor dog must be beside itself.
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[QUOTE]t5tripper - 2010-12-16 2:10 PM Great advice. The chip thing came up recently when someone tried to come back to uk and their chip was not working, everything else was in order but because they could not read the chip they would not release the pet for travel. The family were home with one of their dogs, the other dog was left behind and all very distressed, didn't hear an outcome - poor dog must be beside itself.[/QUOTE] The chip should have been checked by the vet at the 24/48 hour visit.
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I do sometimes wonder whether this is one of those "Someone somewhere once had trouble with something" stories! It's from the same book of tall tales as "Gassed motorhome owner robbed in France", getting sued for "not clearing snow off your path correctly", "I've met someone wildcamping who spent 10 weeks in their motorhome and spent less than a tenner!" And my personal favourite, "The EU are banning bananas that are too bent!" We've all heard them and feel it's not quite right but we don't feel confident enough to question it outright.
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[QUOTE]derek500 - 2010-12-16 1:51 PM [QUOTE]t5tripper - 2010-12-16 2:10 PM Great advice. The chip thing came up recently when someone tried to come back to uk and their chip was not working, everything else was in order but because they could not read the chip they would not release the pet for travel. The family were home with one of their dogs, the other dog was left behind and all very distressed, didn't hear an outcome - poor dog must be beside itself.[/QUOTE] The chip should have been checked by the vet at the 24/48 hour visit.[/QUOTE] The chip would have been checked as indicated, however, they DO move! We have had a couple of heart-pounding moments at the check-in over the years with one of our dogs as it was not in the obvious place and had moved!!! If the check-in people cannot scan the chip they cannot confirm that it is the pet on the passport so I actually DO believe that this happened. It is a worry, albeit hopefully with a very small likelihood of it happening, but if it did, then either we would not return home at all, or one of us would stay in the country with the dog until it could be sorted, no way would we leave without them. It would be like someone leaving their child behind! 8-)
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Ana We have travelled with various dogs in many parts of europe for a number of years now without any significant problems. You need to follow the advice given by Defra - it is more relaxed now in that the vaccines can last up to three years - and others on here. My advice would be to make sure the paperwork is correctly completed by the vets here in england and in europe before you leave their premises. Some carriers charge for pets on their crossings - we tend to use eurotunnel who charge £40. Once overseas just take common sense precautions. Keep your dog close at hand and away from other local animals. Keep them well groomed and inspect them regularly for fleas and ticks which can be dealt with easily and quickly. David
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We have travelled with our dogs to Europe since the first days of the pet travel scheme, and the two things I learned very early on were a) always take your own supply of frontline and wormer (we use drontal which is accepted) and b) always enquire how much the consultation will be when you make the booking. I always haggle for a good price as we have 2 dogs and we normally pay about 30/40euro for both. I have noticed that if you use a vet in a smaller town the price is definitely cheaper. We have used one at Laval a few times who is very good but also one as far down as Mansle (just outside Angouleme), but as we use the ferry at St Malo this may well be too far out for you. Do an internet search before you leave and look for vets addresses in the towns that you are likely to pass through, keep them in a small notebook and add to them as you find reliable ones, if they have got the sat. co-ordinates so much the better but the Sat Nav should direct you with the postcode and address. useful phrases: Je voudrais prendre rendez-vous s'il vous plaît pour .......(the date) au .......(time) - I would like to make an appointment please for ...date/time Quel sera le coût - How much will it cost? Hope this helps and happy travels with you hound dogs! I know the worst problem in Spain/Mediterranean coast in the Summer heat (not sure about winter) is "heart worm" which come from the larvae of sand flies, local dogs develop some kind of tolerance/immunity to an infection, which is incurable, however it can kill dogs eventually and severely disable them, our vet lived and worked in Marseilles for many years and advised not taking dogs out at dusk or dawn when the flies are most active, I believe there is "Advocate" wormer which provides some protection for heartworm, even though it is not one of the recognized treatments, you could still treat your dogs before you leave as a precaution.
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