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Brian Peters

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Hi Brian -


There's another thread already running on this topic at the moment....but to answer your question:


Here on the Costa Blanca the wildcat truckers strike has been running for about 4 days now.

Effects to date locally: about half of the petrol stations are now out of either diesel or petrol (accoring to the local news this has more to do with everyone panic buying than anything else, which has hugely exacerbated the fact that only a small proportion of the fuel tanker drivers are actually on strike.

Fresh food/meat is the other thing that is a noticeable shortage in shops/supermarkets now.

In Spain, very few truckers are in unions......most are self employed or work for small haulage companies; and aonly a small proportion have actually taken part in this wildact action.

The biggest general employees Trades Union here (the CGT) has actually condemned the strikers actions, because they are hurting their members and their members companies.


Heard on the national Spanish news this morning that the Spanish Government is now "running out of patience" with the strikers, and have ordered the Police and Guardia Civil to take off the kid gloves and forceably remove pickets/blockades from roads from today onwards.

(The Police and GC are NOT people to mess about with over here!)


Government policy remains that they cannot subsidise just one sector of the economy as it's both illegal under EU free competition law, and also that this is now a permanent global problem: just too many people using too much oil, and we must all change our behaviours to use less.


Interestingly, the other bolshy group here: the fishermen, are now getting very angry about the truckers actions too, as they can't send their catches to market/export.


My guess is that it'll last a few more days, but without any significant concessions, because there really isn't anything that any Government can do about it if it's greedy citizens just keep on using the stuff as fuel, and buying more and more consumer goods which use oil in the products, or in transport, and thus themselves keep creating more and more demand.







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Norma - 2008-06-12 10:53 PM




Now that rant is over does this mean you will stop using your motohome to save fuel? (lol)



No rant m'dear, just some real world wakey-uppey stuff.


In answer to your question, I suspect that as the price of road fuel continues to increase here, we shall use our motorhome proportionally less.



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