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Visiting Liverpool - Advice Please

Rowan Lee

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I am planning a visit to Liverpool next month, taking my ol' Mum to see the Klimt exhibition at the Tate. She likes to have all the facilities, so it looks like the CC site at West Kirby or Southport.


Since my van is a bit big for city centre car parks, has anyone any experience of public transport from either of these sites? Is there a Park & Ride in Liverpool?


If we stay at West Kirby, how feasible is it to then travel onwards to Formby/Southport in the van through Liverpool?


I can ring the sites direct, but in the past I have found such queries at other sites have not produced useful results! The Visit Liverpool website is not much help either, so I suspect there is no park & ride.


Any information gratefully received.



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HI Rowan, I live about 35 minute drive from Liverpool but not really up on the public transport bit.


I just phoned my daughter who uses the trains and buses and she says she does not know of a park and drive to the areas you state, but again not a hundred percent certain. She did say, however, that you should be careful of the times of the last trains as these can be quite early and that Formby is probably a difficult one.


From my own experience, I would say avoid actually driving through the city centre in your Motor home if you can, and I don't think I would like to park it up there. The trains from Southport are probably your best bet for getting there.


Not sure how old your mum is, but the gallery isn't far from the station to walk. Also a taxi to the docks might be a good place for you to visit with her. Or if you like the theatre you could check what is on there.. but Southport theatre also has people like Raymond Froggat and Charlie Lansborough on. Don't want to go on too much as you might be from Liverpool originally and I'm taking coals to Newcastle.....


also can you tell me which Southport site it is that you are staying at .... Riverside or Leisurelakes or where?

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Hi Rowan

Haven't lived on Merseyside for a number of years and I can't put my hands on the CC Book so don't know the exact location of the West Kirby CC. However, I do know there is an excellent train service from West Kirby to the centre of Liverpool, and the same electric train will take you to Southport. Both these journeys are main commuter lines and run very regularly. Regards,


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Evening...and as resident in Liverpool can probably give a bit of advice here ! The West Kirby CC site actually in a place called thurstaston about two miles from West Kirby train station. It is a bit of a walk along the wirral way which is all traffic free and pleasant. However the site is lovely and with nice views on the Dee Estuary. The Southport Caravan club is located near to a park and ride centre called Eco. A five minute walk from site to the Eco Centre, then a five minute bus ride into town. Get a train to Liverpool about 25 minutes. No problem with trains from either site, fast and efficient. With all the redevelopment work I wouldn't recommend bring the 'van into the City Centre, can be a bit tricky if you aren't sure where you are going. However, there is parking at the Albert Dock and that is where the Tate is. I will post another reply after this.
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Rowan, me continuing !

If you do go to West Kirby then take the train to Birkenhead (Hamilton Square) and then it is a 5 minute wlk to the ferry terminal - all signposted. And from here you will get the best views of the Unesco Liverpool waterfront. Jump the ferry to the Pier Head and you are almost at the Tate. Personally, I think the best way to arrive in Liverpool.

Whilst here take time to see the Georges Hall and the Museum (next to each other) just ask a local, it is not far and is very busy and very safe and sound. Opposite the Tate on the main road is police HQ, by the new bus station - if you need directions to anywhere call in there.

Anyway enjoy your visit, forgive the cranes and the redevelopment (nowhere near as bad as it was) and enjoy the place. PM if I can help further.

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Hi everyone, thanks for all the advice which I am busy digesting. Other factors have influenced the choice of dates, which means we are now arriving in the area in mid-August, so the Southport CC site is out of the question and probably the others too. I have booked in at the West Kirkby CC site. Mum could manage the two miles to West Kirkby station but she wouldn't get much further after that! I think a taxi will be the answer.


I like the ferry idea, Moncayoman, in fact that was my original hope, so I am investigating various permutations on that theme.


In the meantime, I have had an email from Pam at the Albert Dock Company to say she has contacted the coach park operators and they say we can park in there for up to 24 hours for £10. Hooray, much better than the usual response we all get.


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