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Any one else changing there plans

Hymer C 9.

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At the moment we are touring around the UK, had 5 weeks in Scotland and now touring around, England and Wales, but now with the diesel going up almost daily are beginning to think where to go next and planning a lot more carefully.


We usually do UK one year and abroad the next, we were planning to go to Italy & Greece next year but are having 2nd thoughts. Any one else out there beginning to think twice their plans, I can't see fuel coming back down in price its seems we are going to have to get used to it. Carol.

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'I can't see fuel coming down again, we'll just have to get used to it'


Carole, hope you are wrong, think you may be right, but get used to it? No way. Somewhat 'off thread' but we must all put pressure on the Chancellor by whatever means at our disposal to get fuel duty (in U.K) reduced.

On thread , we are pencilled in to go the Switzerland in September and East Europe next year. Switzerland will be on as will a holiday 'somewhere' in Europe next year. Point of principle, perhaps, but I would rather cut down on food & eating out than miss a holiday!!

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sparts - 2008-06-16 11:10 PM


we need all motorists to stop up the main roads all at the same time just like in france that way we will get things done other wise nothing will chang, with tuppony hapney protests all half hearted


This won't achieve anything other than to frustrate motorists IMHO. There have been a variety of ideas for protesting, not buying fuel from the two biggest oil companies was one but what would that achieve (even if you could get everyone to do it)? It would put lots of small franchisees out of business is what it would achieve!


I don't know what the answer is but I'm pretty sure that neither of the above ideas will work.


Back to the topic, we're not changing our plans which still consist of a two week jaunt across Holland to Dusseldorf and back at the end of August. Other than that its a weekend in Malvern for the Western show and a weekend in Pickering for the Northern show and whatever other weekends we can squeeze in between.



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Not yet. Over our first 12 months with the van (to 14th June) we used 1215 litres of diesel at a cost of £1216, covering 7763 miles and staying away 77 nights. The variance from the original forecast annual fuel budget was £146.80.


In comparison, loss of interest on our investment was £2009 and depreciation guestimated at £8800 so the increase in fuel costs is still a relatively small part of the overall expenditure.


Diesel will have to hit £3 per litre (around the end of next year if you believe some of the more pessimistic analysts) before we start to limit our journeys. Still the roads would be relatively quiet in compensation.............!!!



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we have changed or plans and will be traveling more locally. We will also stay in north mainland Europe and not be going down to the south till Monaco next year.



also driving more like (but not fully like) an annoying 60 year old caravan driver and getting another 80 miles per tank. Very boring though *-)

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We are looking at local breaks on CL's and consessionary rates on Club sites. Looking for sites with bus stops nearby to use our free passes, fitting a bike rack and buying new bikes, a good excuse to buy and try the ebikes.


Probably it will cost us more to change our holiday plans than to just ignore the fuel changes, but you can't take it with you.......unless....


Regards Terry

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Summer we stay fairly local anyway as we look what the weather will be and shoot off as and when.


Nothing will stop me going to Spain for the first 3 months of the year. I hate cold dark days and would go in Oct if I could but Christmas with the grandchildren is a must.


Whilever I can afford it I will continue as there are no pockets in shrouds and I am not leaving anything to the goverment to spend on their expenses



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Got 10 days in July in the French Alps and 3 weeks with just the crossing booked return from Bilbao so I'm not changing our plans. We've invested lots of money in our dream so we're not going to wreck them. Rather economise on something at home than miss our holidays and weekend breaks.
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Probably just reduce our mileage a bit.


As for those who propose 'a protest', it might be an idea for them to suggest to the government where taxes should go up in order to reduce the taxes on fuel.

It's no good just saying " stop wasting money" - it needs to be more specific.



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Not a chance. We love the van and the freedom it gives us.


However I am conscious of, and empathasize with those feeling squeezed by the price hikes, e.g perhaps those on fixed budgets, some (all?) retirees.


But no, I will continue fill it up regardless and we will continue to enjoy it to the max.



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This is my first year with the van and I am really upset over the way that the prices have gone up. I put every penny of my savings into it, and am minimum income (pension credits) due to no fault of my own having to retire from being one man business. The van to me, Buddy, is a life saver and my plan was to just be able to snatch at the opportunity to go away for a couple of days whnever possible, if parents' health allowed - can't plan ahead - and now I am thinking of the fuel all the time.


Have planned hopefully to go away for three days in August, but penny pinching on everything to make sure can afford the fuel ..... I can't eat less or use any less fuel - other than to sell the computer I suppose! 8-) 8-) Now I worry about the tolls and road charges they are talking of adding.

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Guest JudgeMental

You can't give 4x4's away in London these days, and I fear motorhomes will go the same way. General economic crisis, inflation estimated to be 4% by Christmas fuel 1.50 -2.00 a litre by the same time.....


while working I can deal with this, but as on recent trip to France we activily looked for cheaper supermarket fuel and prepared more meals in van, something I have never done. When I retire I will set sat nav to avoid tolls as well, as they add 50% to cost. will also consider more breaks closer to home.


will seriously review if its worth continuing with this lifestyle in a few years.....

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Just enjoying the lifestyle whilst we can. Not sure how long the journey will last, with the price of fuel going up copupled with the price of food and bringing up a youg family who knows.

One thing we wont be doing is buying a new van. We intended to but having looked at a few and the way things have gone this year in terms of the economy then we will leave it for now/ I wonder how many others are doing so and how much the traders are starting to worry.


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JudgeMental - 2008-06-17 3:33 PM


You can't give 4x4's away in London these days, and I fear motorhomes will go the same way. General economic crisis, inflation estimated to be 4% by Christmas fuel 1.50 -2.00 a litre by the same time.....




Just heard on the news that inflation is over 4% today and we all know that it is much higher than this in reality. And my pension goes up by about 1 - 2% p.a.!! Living in France appears more attractive every day despite their price rises. At least their cost of living only goes up by a small percentage each year, not huge hikes like ours.


Either that or I will have to sell up and live in my m/h - sounds good to me.

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Having just returned from a short break to the south of france, with the euro and the diesel prices even in france. I must say i was somewhat agast on last year. I'm now thinking of not using toll MW's in order to save, i've already cut the speed, not that i'm a sterling moss. But life is short its not a practice and so gritt your teeth and use the MH as intended and maybe dig deeper.
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Just heard on the news that inflation is over 4% today and we all know that it is much higher than this in reality. And my pension goes up by about 1 - 2% p.a.!! Living in France appears more attractive every day despite their price rises. At least their cost of living only goes up by a small percentage each year, not huge hikes like ours.


Either that or I will have to sell up and live in my m/h - sounds good to me.


Not correct this I am afraid, cost of living in France has rocketed. I have very good French friends in a place called St. Gervais les Bain which is near Chamonix in French alps. They are currently 'going mad' at everything from fuel to food prices, they are also complaining about falling standards in schools and hospitals, sound familiar. Fuel in France has risen in price even more than ours, petrol is around the same as us now although diesel is still a little cheaper. Cheapest countries for fuel on my last trip were Luxemberg and Switzerland.

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This is the dilemma.

You have a MH that has cost anywhere between £15k and £60k (much more if you're really lucky) and what do you do?

Do you use it less and leave it to depreciate and disintegrate on the drive or do you carry on as normal but cut down where you can, which is/should be normal practice when things get a little tough.

I'm certainly not an expert, but it does look like the financial situation is going to get worse before it gets better.

I have a very simple Excel spreadsheet which someone kindly posted on this forum many moons ago (apologies but I can't remember who it was), this measures MPG and cost per mile.

Over the past couple of weeks we have covered over 2,000 miles in the UK, still averaging 32 MPG, but the cost per mile has increased from 15p in Feb/March to 18p now.

So that's the bottom line, around 3p per mile.


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Rupert123 - your friends are right about rocketing prices in France for food and fuel but in rural France, where my house is, most people grow their own food to a greater extent and burn wood. They don't travel far either so unleaded and diesel prices are not so important. The equivalent of council taxes on houses are much less than ours (about £400 p.a. for a house with an acre of land and water, including filling a pool, under £100 p.a). With regards to hospitals the biggest ward you will find has three beds in it and if you have a medical problem you are invited to see a specialist the same day!


It's all relative I suppose but I do laugh when the French tell me there hospitals are awful.


Off thread but my neighbours were amazed when I told them what we know about Nicholas Sarkozy's wife, Carla and her many relationships. None of this gossip has been allowed in the French press.

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Loosely 'on thread' but I know you will forgive me! I have just been on another forum where someone suggest we must all cut down due to the present financial state of the country and they further suggest that as holidays were a 'luxury' we should cut back/not have. When I stated that as a motorcaravanner we took three continental holidays each year the response I got was quite damming. I guess some people just get jealous!! But yes, why spend lots of hard earned cash on a mo'ho to have it setting on the driveway
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Our plans will probably change by having more nights "Wild Camping", in order to make our finances stretch further.


I normaly drive in economy mode and this year, we have made full use of our consessionary bus passes, whilst on our motorhome tours, so cutting down on camping fees seems to be the only other option.


Mike Hol.

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I agree with Bob ("usingmyknaus") above.

When I got the new van, I decided to take the opportunity of watching the speed a bit more closely, espec on motorways, and not get used to the "feel" of 80mph as "normal." So I think I'm getting about 34mpg on longer runs like holidays. Even with an increase of 3p a mile, a fortnight's continental tour (2-3K miles) will cost less than £100 more, so there's no way we'll change our destinations, but we'll trim costs where we can, e.g.:


* Lifting the right foot a bit more (as long as that doesn't hold other people up)

* Avoiding toll roads (what's the hurry? It's a HOLIDAY!).

* No kids with us now, so don't need fancy campsites - less nights on sites, more on Aires or with France Passion

* Shop in town and village markets, instead of supermarkets, and take printed extracts from the "Recipes that work in the MH" thread with us, so self-catered meals are more "special."


Gosh, I think I can feel a new thread coming on - "How do you save money while still travelling where you want to?"

I'll see if anyone else joins this bit of the discussion first.


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Tony, You know me with maths, but £100 for 2-3 thousand miles sounds like a heck of a lot. It's going to cost me £55 to do about 300 if mine (and another helpful poster) have worked it out properly. PLEASE tell us your secret. Joy
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Hi Joy, I did say the increase would be UNDER £100.

Just quick "back of envelope" stuff, open to correction, but:


Assume 32 mpg (not sure yet about the higher long-trip figure).

= 4 miles per pint = 7 miles per litre ("pint-and-three-quarters!").


If diesel has gone up (say) 20p a litre since last trip (is that about right?), that's 20p extra for 7 miles, or about another 3p/mile.


So £90 extra for a 3000 mile round trip, or £60 for 2000 miles.

No way will THAT keep me in the UK, espec since I'd then have to pay £15-£20 per night for campsites in summer hols, instead of the wonderful Aires and France Passion partners we use!



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