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Any one else changing there plans

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Tony Jones - 2008-06-18 11:19 AM


Hi Joy, I did say the increase would be UNDER £100.

Just quick "back of envelope" stuff, open to correction, but:


Assume 32 mpg (not sure yet about the higher long-trip figure).

= 4 miles per pint = 7 miles per litre ("pint-and-three-quarters!").


If diesel has gone up (say) 20p a litre since last trip (is that about right?), that's 20p extra for 7 miles, or about another 3p/mile.


So £90 extra for a 3000 mile round trip, or £60 for 2000 miles.

No way will THAT keep me in the UK, espec since I'd then have to pay £15-£20 per night for campsites in summer hols, instead of the wonderful Aires and France Passion partners we use!




Unfortunately your working out envelope style is a little off the mark - more accurately I think the difference for 3K miles is about £132. This is still not a terrific amount though and like you will not put me off if I can help it.


However you might be even more off the mark with your estimate for UK holiday sites. In order to share a holiday with my family with all three m/homes together by the beach for the children, it is costing me in the region of £270 for 7 nights - absolutely extortionate and in other circumstances a sum that I would not comtemplate! Roll on August and back to France.


Wingpete: What a good idea but I could only pull a unit big enough for elves if I want to stay within the law! Hit the big "70" next month!

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Patricia - 2008-06-18 1:55 PM


Unfortunately your working out envelope style is a little off the mark - more accurately I think the difference for 3K miles is about £132. This is still not a terrific amount though and like you will not put me off if I can help it.


Had another look at my envelope & can't see much wrong with it: have I underestimated the price increase (working your £132 back my way would indicate a 30p/ltr increase), or am I pushing the edge of the other envelope - of my mathematical abilities?


However you might be even more off the mark with your estimate for UK holiday sites. In order to share a holiday with my family with all three m/homes together by the beach for the children, it is costing me in the region of £270 for 7 nights - absolutely extortionate and in other circumstances a sum that I would not comtemplate! Roll on August and back to France.


If that's for all three m'homes it's not too bad - but if it's just for you .... words fail me! (and that's a rare event!) :-D


T x

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Patricia - 2008-06-17 10:48 PM


Rupert123 - your friends are right about rocketing prices in France for food and fuel but in rural France, where my house is, most people grow their own food to a greater extent and burn wood. They don't travel far either so unleaded and diesel prices are not so important. The equivalent of council taxes on houses are much less than ours (about £400 p.a. for a house with an acre of land and water, including filling a pool, under £100 p.a). With regards to hospitals the biggest ward you will find has three beds in it and if you have a medical problem you are invited to see a specialist the same day!


It's all relative I suppose but I do laugh when the French tell me there hospitals are awful.


Off thread but my neighbours were amazed when I told them what we know about Nicholas Sarkozy's wife, Carla and her many relationships. None of this gossip has been allowed in the French press.


I was unfortunate to experience a French hospital first hand about ten years ago when I broke my left femur skiing. The hospital was in Sallanche in the Haute Savoie. I was put in a room with just two people and a bathroom toilet just between the pair of us. No problems with the operation all was well, physio was outstanding with a visit from physio every day after the operation until I returned to UK, around three weeks. However being in room with just two was incredible boring, nurseing care was almost none existent and food was inedible so guess both systems have their good and bad points.

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We are digressing off the thread but I am sorry to hear you had a bad experience rupert123. I have been in two hospitals in France, my late husband in another and my mother in a third (all in the Massif Centrale) and I can report that the nursing care, clinical care, cleanliness and food were all excellent in all four hospitals. As an example my husband was admitted to a room at 8.30 p.m. on a Sunday evening and within 15 minutes we were both eating a hot meal especially prepared for two diabetics - then the nurses found me a hotel room!
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Tony - my sincere apologies, you were right and I obviously was having one of my (getting more frequent) senior moments. However, while checking my appalling maths (used to be my best subject!) I have come to realise that diesel was £6 litre yesterday and today at £1.34 it is now £6.09. Have I worked that out right?


My only excuse is that I can remember going away for a weekend when the children were small for 10/- (50p) which included the petrol and camp fees (albeit on a farm with no facilities at all)!


With regards to the camp fees, yes, that is the price for me only but if I want the company of my children and grandchildren that is the price. Having said that I have just worked out the price for a site in France, nowhere near the sea, and that would be £308 for 11 nights just for me (and my maths aren't failing me here) so not that much cheaper.


As a final note I have noticed that more and more French sites are almost doubling there prices for a twin axle this year - I suppose it is to deter "travellers" - municipal sites refuse them entry unless they have pre-booked. So that's my problem for August as my daughter has a Chieftain.

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