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Best Sat Nav for Europe

Guest Ikrainian

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Guest Ikrainian
Hi all....We go round Europe twice a year and everybody barring us seems to be using Sat Nav.....I often get lost and wonder if i may stand a better chance with SN ? A lot of sites now give their SN positions, so i reckon if i get somewhere near then the SN can guide me in....stop a lot of arguments as well.......any suggestions on the best available please.
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I have used Garmin 660 Euro for some time, it is brilliant. Dont know about Tom Tom etc.

Used the Blaupunt supplied with my 08 Swift and it gave up the ghost crossing Fr/Sp border. Call to Blaupunt and was told that as it was supplied to UK only north europe covered, to cover spain go and buy an SD card and load spain myself. lucky I had the Garmin with me.

Good Hunting


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Mandy&Andy - 2008-06-19 5:52 PM Ohhhh get a Tom Tom, then Way can teach you all you need to know, he is the best search engine there is :-D What would we do without him, helped many a stranded soul out he has. Mandy


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Guest JudgeMental
Mandy&Andy - 2008-06-19 5:52 PM


Ohhhh get a Tom Tom, then Way can teach you all you need to know, he is the best search engine there is :-D


What would we do without him, helped many a stranded soul out he has.




Buy a Garmin 700 series and give the poor man (W2G) a break lol :-D

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Guest JudgeMental
Way2Go - 2008-06-19 7:25 PM
JudgeMental - 2008-06-19 7:08 PM Buy a Garmin 700 series and give the poor man (W2G) a break lol :-D

Nice one m'laud. Always happy to share the load ;-)

Incidentally if you're suffering from the sun hitting the screen of your Garmin you might wanna have a look at this http://www.gps-shades.co.uk/8.html

Have you seen the size of the overhang on my camper lolBuilt in sun shade. with the new 770 Garmin I don't even need to use aerial as I did with earlier model as reception is very good....


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We've got a big luton overhang on the front of our old-dog of a 'van too.


But we have recently invested in a Tom Tom Go720 satnav thingy here in Spain, and I have to say it's bloody brilliant!! Reception is ace all of the time.


Use it in the car, in the motorhome, and even on the motorbike (on the bike the Sparkle hangs onto it and shouts directions at me in cities).


Was not convinced about these gizmos before, but in the month since we've had it, I've been totally converted.


Dunno about Garman et al, but I can certainly vouch for Tom Tom's mapping accuracy across all of Spain, and particularly in big towns and cities here.



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We have a tom tom 700 and find it fantastic. Go to Europe every year and have downloaded aires from the net. We have found places with the sat nav that we could never find with just a map. Some of the aires are in out of the way places and tom tom takes us with no problem. Friend had a garmin and he has changed to tom tom.


Hope this helps.


Have fun. sooty10

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(lol) (lol) Hi All,just got back from Gremany (5 weeks holiday) and used a Garmin 350 all the time ok,but also before we went i down loaded POI from Camperstop POI for Aires and Stellplatz`s on to an SD card put the card into the 350 and away you go, got them all on the sat nav and all i can say is spot on.

PS:ie if you are say in a town in Gremany all you do is go POI for that town and it gives you the page in the book to look up and thats it . john

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Wouldn't be without our TomTom 960T We have downloaded all sorts of POI's easily and the screen even adjusts automatically (if you ask it to in the setup screen) to light conditions so you don't have the problem we had on our old one - just day or night mode - makes it easy to read in all lights. Great so far for France, Belgium, Italy and even for walking and driving (not the MH) in New York with a £28 addition for NE USA street level map, easily downloaded.


We were going to change to a Garmin this time as we used to use them on our boat (before we got the boat with wheels) but wanted something we could take with us on our bikes / walks so we could always return easily to our van. Also, love the help / where am I screen where at a touch of the screen we can get the lat and long of particlarly nice places to note for future reference. Also good for finding where you are on a long motorway journey if you haven't looked at road junctions for a while. Reason for the TomTom over the Garmin was that the big screen model we wanted didn't have an internal battery - vehicle use only - so TomTom won.


Great value and makes navigating easy anywhere (my job), leaving more time to translate foreign road signs and hubbie can keep eye on speed limits in mph (Fiat screen is illegible for kilometres) shown on the screen, plus speed cameras!. B-)

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Well there are some excellent, honest comments there for Ikrainian to chew over the next time they log in.

I agree that I would be 'lost' without mine ;-)

I think its marvellous, and still get a buzz, that for a relatively small outlay we get the chance to navigate to a point of our choosing anywhere in Europe.  We arrive cool calm and collected and enjoy looking out of the window instead of very small lines on a map.

Its like taking your very own guide with you :-) 

Two or three years ago we rented a gite in France with some friends.  Before we left I'd planned what would make some nice itineraries and stored them.

Over breakfast we would say "where do we want to go today?"  Someone shouted out "Mont Saint Michel" so I selected that day's itinerary which took us straight to the car park as a destination (fastest route).  When we finished looking around it took us on the pretty coast road to a beauty spot over looking the the Mont (via some waypoints).  After lunch we continued along the coast road straight to a hypermarket car park (POI) to get something for dinner and to restock the wine rack.  Then it was back to our gite (fastest route) for a BBQ.

The day (and all the others) were faultless in navigation and we followed off-the-route roads without anyone needing to look at a map or to ask for instructions.  We explored the region like 'locals' even though none of us had ever been to the area before.

We still have paper maps because you get to see the whole region and the relationship between places you want to visit.

The whole concept of being able to select a point on a map or a particular POI and let the device take you there is brilliant.  Whichever device you select you'll find that they all work on the same principle of navigating you from where you are to where you want to go.  Some may do it better than others and some may have more bells and whistles which is down to personal taste.

But, if you only take one piece of advice from all this - get one that you can customise yourself because you WILL need to.  Any device that you cannot add your own POIs to is not worth considering in my opinion.


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Guest JudgeMental

If you want to be able to plan your trips on a PC Garmin offer the "mapsource" interface. You can then plan your routes on your PC in detail and download/upload info to the GPS.


Amongst the popular NUVI series only the 700 series models allow this, but there are and other models as well that have this facility


have a look at this link and it will help explain. it may apper a bit complicated but believe me its not:-D



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Ikrainian - 2008-06-19 3:49 PM Hi all....We go round Europe twice a year .....any suggestions on the best available please.

About the same number of times they use this forum me thinks.

This is yet another example of people asking for advice, people freely giving advice and not a sign of the originator ever checking back to see if they have had a reply.

As this was originally posted 6 days ago they 'could' be on holiday but if that was the case why didn't they post it when they 'would' be available.

Not a word of acknowledgemnt never mind the thanks for all of us adding our comments . . . . it really does make me very angry.  It's SOOO rude.


. . . . whose making a list and checkin' it twice.  

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Guest Ikrainian
I would like to thank you all for your input.After much deliberation i have ordered a Garmin 660.......it appears to tick most of the boxes.....i would especially like to thank way2go for his or her snide comments..unlike them i lead a very busy life and unable to sit in front of my computer. I do appreciate all comments constructive or otherwise..if i broached your protocol it was by ignorance only. Kind Regards >:-)
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Guest JudgeMental
Ikrainian - 2008-06-27 6:45 PM


I would like to thank you all for your input.After much deliberation i have ordered a Garmin 660.......it appears to tick most of the boxes.....i would especially like to thank way2go for his or her snide comments..unlike them i lead a very busy life and unable to sit in front of my computer. I do appreciate all comments constructive or otherwise..if i broached your protocol it was by ignorance only. Kind Regards >:-)


You are much better of with a 700 series Nuvi..... you cannot plan trips or download routes from a laptop or PC unless you get a 7xx series model *-)


a 760 is about £30 more then a 660


I don't think W2G was specifically talking about you? and I agree with him. A lot come on here for advice and do not have the decency to follow up with some feed back, just some basic manners that's all.



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Ikrainian - 2008-06-27 6:45 PM . . . . i would especially like to thank way2go for his or her snide comments . . unlike them i lead a very busy life and unable to sit in front of my computer

You aren't the only one who leads a very busy life and certainly are not unique.

Under the circumstances it might have been better to have asked for help when you had a bit more free time and were in a better position to monitor people's replies.

However, your comments are noted and thanks appreciated.


p.s. Thanks also to the fan club  :$

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Way2Go - 2008-06-19 5:14 PM


This question crops up on a regular basis so to save us going through it all again please use the search facility and fill yer boots :-)

Hi W2GI think that this is a subject that needs continual monitering by some one who realy does know their stuff because of the extremely rapid changes and updates that are being made by all of the sat nav manufacturers.To refer to previous information runs the obvious risk of not being made aware of the latest situation.Wilbury
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I agree Wilbury and thanks for volunteering.

If you'd just like to search the existing threads then search through the internet for all the latest news and report it here I'm sure everyone would be appreciative of your efforts.


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Way2Go - 2008-06-28 2:55 PM

I agree Wilbury and thanks for volunteering.

If you'd just like to search the existing threads then search through the internet for all the latest news and report it here I'm sure everyone would be appreciative of your efforts.


Hi W2g,I wish that I had the expertise that would enable me to make some sense of it all but unfortunately this is very definately not the case. This goes for mobile continental internet too, (even more so).Wilbury
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I take your point but I'm not a self-appointed expert on satnav and certainly don't have the time or inclanation to research the subject and keep people up to date.  There are enough web sites around that cater for this facility.

I happen to have a satnav device and use it extensively for my work and motorhoming and are therefore pretty proficiant with it.  I'm also a computer consultant so am also proficiant in the IT world.  So I guess you could say I'm pretty handy at sorting it out and making it work.

When people on this forum ask for help because they are not proficiant in either field then I try to help out the best I can.

So, to get back to your original comment.  Yes there are a lot of satnav stuff on here and yes some of it is out of date but I don't see myself or anyone else rewriting threads just to keep them up to date.


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Way2Go - 2008-06-28 5:20 PM


Do you have a specific query or problem then?



Thank you for asking.

Yes I do have a query.

Can you just explain absolutely everything!

He He.



(bye the way, I did not wish to apear to be volunteering you in my first post)


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