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Rear View Mirrors


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I read something about this not that long ago, might have been in the Caravan Club mag, where if your mirrors don't have the 'E' number on to show that they are the right ones, you can be done by the cops. I can't remember the reason why they are 'different' but it was quite clear that they must be of this new 'approved' type.


Forgot to say, this is for the 'add on' mirrors, not standard fit car etc mirrors! :-D

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The new rules have been introduced because the tuggers towing mirors can get knocked off, smashed, etc; and cause a lot of damage or injury. The new ones stay put if they are hit by another vehicle, or come in contact with a gate post or similar, and the glass does not shatter nor come out of the frame. Stainlees steel I expect. It seems that the new "E" type are safer. The mirrors on our motorhomes are not detatchable towing mirrors, so should not come under these new rules.
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