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Recent Cost of Gazole in France?


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I paid 1.45 euro a litre on tuesday at Super U in Gravelines. As we were in a hurry for a ferry and needed fuel I did not have chance to check elsewhere in France, but generally with the strength of the Euro fuel all over Europe is not much cheaper than ours.



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Slightly off-thread but related ...

Have you noticed how, even with all the controversy about the Lisbon treaty, the "Save the Pound - Keep out of the Euro" brigade have all gone strangely quiet lately?


Nowadays it's more like "Save the pound from sliding into oblivion!"


Wish we'd joined the Euro ages ago.



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We were in France last weekend - paying 1.429 euros per litre (about£1.14) at Auchan St Martins Boulogne (about 15 minutes from the tunnel on the A16), so still about 17p per litre cheaper than our local garages.


We saw higher prices but used Auchan as we stayed overnight in their car park, in the company of another MH and the pumps are 24 hrs and accept GB credit cards (lol)


Have a good time when you go over, wish we were back there..... B-)

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This is the website that gives you all France fuel prices.




Our local petrol station had a special on last week and it was 1.36€. We were near Biarittz and the price at Leclerc was 1.41€ obviously if you are going to use the petrol stations on the motorway the prices will be a lot more.


Just had a look at our local one and its 1.41€ and that is Intermarche.

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We were in France last month and would agree that diesel in France varies between €1.42 and €1.5.

A small point, if using Auchen fill up first and then do your shopping. We did it the other way round, at the Sangate store and missed out on (if I remember correctly) a £5 voucher to spend in-store. Of course this may not apply at all Auchen supermarkets.

Regards Cattwg

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Tony Jones - 2008-06-20 5:03 PM

Nowadays it's more like "Save the pound from sliding into oblivion!"

Blimey! A chute direct from the Royal Mint to 10 Downing Street!!


They kept the building of that quiet didn't they (lol)



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Thanks for your answers.


We are going to Argeles sur Mer next week, so it looks like an expensive trip fuel wise. But desperately need to see some sunshine and warm seas!


Will have to save on sites by using the aires and municipal sites, which are fine.


Looking forward to seeing the Millau Viaduct.


Using the Newhaven to Dieppe crossing.


Thanks again.



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Have a really great time - so envious of your trip. We went to France last weekend for just 2 days to try out the Aires as we have always stayed on sites before. Very pleasantly surprised by the quality, availability etc. (must admit first night was in the Auchan car park with another MH alongside but good night's sleep anyway and shop was easy in the morning!)


We hope to go to Tuscany at beginning of September so will use Aires where possible to make up for diesel costs.

Anyway, enjoy, and let us know how it goes when you come back


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Hi just got on a 'hotspot' we are 'En Francais' now, so far found Auchen Calais seemed best price that we saw there at €1.41, cheapest we have bought was €1.39 at an Intermarche on route, avoid Total stations anywhere on or off motorway as the cheapest we have seen one of those was €1.50 and they were also the dearest (along with Elan stations) we have seen at €1.59. We also got some at €1.40 at another supermarket around Le Man exact name escapes me but it has the big 'U' in its title! There was an Elf station selling at €1.39 on route (but we had just topped up 8-) ).


Hope that is of some use.



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Basil - 2008-06-21 10:41 AM


Hi just got on a 'hotspot' we are 'En Francais' now, so far found Auchen Calais seemed best price that we saw there at €1.41, cheapest we have bought was €1.39 at an Intermarche on route, avoid Total stations anywhere on or off motorway as the cheapest we have seen one of those was €1.50 and they were also the dearest (along with Elan stations) we have seen at €1.59. We also got some at €1.40 at another supermarket around Le Man exact name escapes me but it has the big 'U' in its title! There was an Elf station selling at €1.39 on route (but we had just topped up 8-) ).


Hope that is of some use.




The supermarket is called "SuperU". I agree with Basil all the Elan stations are always far more expensive than anywhere else.

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Yes cheapest seems to be €1.41 in supermarkets with credit card, or pay cash at the booth if they're not on 2 hour lunch break.

I've been driving around for couple of months here. First Cote d'Azure, now in Massif Central.

Last year I was paying €1.10 ish!!!

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Hi Knaus,

When you get to Argelles sur Mer try the aire next along the coast at Collioure. Last Octobet it was 7 euro per night which includes the park and ride (Navatte) down to the harbour. Also the aire at Port Vendre next along towards Spain, pay the police when they call in morning

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Hi again


Do you think the cost of the toll roads, where you can keep at a steady 55 -60mph in 5th gear, would be more economical than the cost of the extra fuel you would need on the free roads where you are constantly changing gear?


Normally we would use the N and D roads, but as we want to get down South asap (possibly 2 nights stops) it looks a better option to use the tolls. We will take a much more leisurely route back to Newhaven.



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You don't need to use the toll roads much to get down to that part of the country quickly. We managed comfortably to Beziers with 2 stops from West Yorks.


From calais down the coast motorway (toll for the last bit) to get to Rouen, then the usua lEvreux, Chartres and Orleans & then pick up the A75 to Beziers which is toll free for 200km + apart from that Bridge, but thats worth the bridge toll in itself.


We stayed near Boulogne and near St Pourcan on small basic campsites


cheers alan

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Knaus - 2008-06-21 2:31 PM


Do you think the cost of the toll roads, where you can keep at a steady 55 -60mph in 5th gear, would be more economical than the cost of the extra fuel you would need on the free roads where you are constantly changing gear?


This is a question I would really like the answer too as well i.e.what is the probable difference in consumption? I can then work out the cost of the tolls and add them on. On the whole though the ordinary roads are far more interesting, especially travelling alone. Autoroutes may be fast but they are incredibly boring except for the free ones which are usually very scenic.

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Patricia - 2008-06-21 5:44 PM


Knaus - 2008-06-21 2:31 PM


Do you think the cost of the toll roads, where you can keep at a steady 55 -60mph in 5th gear, would be more economical than the cost of the extra fuel you would need on the free roads where you are constantly changing gear?


This is a question I would really like the answer too as well i.e.what is the probable difference in consumption? I can then work out the cost of the tolls and add them on. On the whole though the ordinary roads are far more interesting, especially travelling alone. Autoroutes may be fast but they are incredibly boring except for the free ones which are usually very scenic.

Every driver will have a different amount because no two people drive in the same manner. The only way you are going to get an approximation is to go onto something like Viamichelin and calculate the routes one with tolls and one without.


We very rarely use toll roads and because my OH drives about 80 kmh we do very nicely on fuel. At the moment our motorhome is a 2.5 but the new one will be 2.8 with cruise control so we may see a slight difference.


We are on a fixed income and due to the Euro being so strong against the pound we are losing about 150€ a month but if we want to use the motorhome we have to be economical in other areas. Its common sense really, it depends what your priorities are. We don't smoke and very rarely drink and go out for the occasional meal each month but life is what you make it.



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Guest JudgeMental
Ventoux - 2008-06-21 11:46 AM


Last year I was paying €1.10 ish!!!



Yes, and your pound was worth about 20% more as well!

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5 June Auchan Calais 1.399 euros, Super U La Tranche Sur Mer 12 June 1.411, 19 June Cognac Auchan 1.387, 20 June Saumur Leclerc 1.399. Shell, Total and Esso on Motorways around 1.50 plus. Prices seem to be stable and no problems filling up anywhere - at the moment.
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Message for Knaus


The free aire in Millau is right in the town, new and set out with marked spaces. It has been moved about 150 metres further down the road from the site listed in some books. However if you follow the old instructions you should have no problem finding it by just continuing along the road and then turn right.


Do go with plenty of water because they have not moved the water tap or emptying point which is still at the old aire site, which was in the car park.

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