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Recent Cost of Gazole in France?


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Randonneur - 2008-06-21 5:13 PM


Patricia - 2008-06-21 5:44 PM


Knaus - 2008-06-21 2:31 PM


Do you think the cost of the toll roads, where you can keep at a steady 55 -60mph in 5th gear, would be more economical than the cost of the extra fuel you would need on the free roads where you are constantly changing gear?


This is a question I would really like the answer too as well i.e.what is the probable difference in consumption? I can then work out the cost of the tolls and add them on. On the whole though the ordinary roads are far more interesting, especially travelling alone. Autoroutes may be fast but they are incredibly boring except for the free ones which are usually very scenic.

Every driver will have a different amount because no two people drive in the same manner. The only way you are going to get an approximation is to go onto something like Viamichelin and calculate the routes one with tolls and one without.


We very rarely use toll roads and because my OH drives about 80 kmh we do very nicely on fuel. At the moment our motorhome is a 2.5 but the new one will be 2.8 with cruise control so we may see a slight difference.


We are on a fixed income and due to the Euro being so strong against the pound we are losing about 150€ a month but if we want to use the motorhome we have to be economical in other areas. Its common sense really, it depends what your priorities are. We don't smoke and very rarely drink and go out for the occasional meal each month but life is what you make it.



Martyn & Sylvia have hit the nail on the head here. We used the toll roads on the way down when we visited Bruce & Sparkle in April, but only because we had limited time to get down there. Which meant that I spent most of two days at the legal limit (mostly 130kph, = 80mph). Result? I used far MORE fuel than I would have done on the "N" roads, not less. I could have done a lot better if I'd kept the speed down, but I didn't have time.

On our "normal" trips (ie ones that DON'T involve Bruce & Sparkle!! :-D !) we're NEVER in a hurry, so if I used toll roads then I know I could save fuel compared to "N" roads, but how boring would that be? The point of our trips is the "meandering," discovering new places which are only approximately "on the way" to somewhere else.

Anyway, as far as I can tell so far, gear changes etc don't seem to make a big difference to "Roxie's" thirst - the Big One is how heavy my right foot is. As I've said elsewhere, when we bought her I decided not to get used to 80mph "feeling normal," as I'd done with previous vehicles. That early trip on the autoroutes helped me to that decision!



(PS I can see a couple of "Devil" emoticons, but no "Angel" ones, otherwise I'd put one here!)

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JudgeMental - 2008-06-21 8:25 PM


Ventoux - 2008-06-21 11:46 AM


Last year I was paying €1.10 ish!!!



Yes, and your pound was worth about 20% more as well!


Yep. €1.47 last year, compared to the measly €1.22 i got in M&S in March :'(

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JohnP - 2008-06-22 10:02 AM


Message for Knaus


The free aire in Millau is right in the town, new and set out with marked spaces. It has been moved about 150 metres further down the road from the site listed in some books. However if you follow the old instructions you should have no problem finding it by just continuing along the road and then turn right.


Do go with plenty of water because they have not moved the water tap or emptying point which is still at the old aire site, which was in the car park.


Also, it's worthwhile doing your ablutions before arriving at Milau as they charge 5 or 6€ for water/waste disposal.

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Guest JudgeMental
Wills Wagon - 2008-06-23 9:40 PM


RE my post of 21 June prices have dropped by 1 cent a litre today in Saumur.


I'll get my coat! :-D

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It seems to me that M. Sarkozy has listened to the French people and has either cut the tax or done something (I heard that the French was petitioning him about the high prices) because the prices have remained about the same for a month now. Could be he was afraid of the lorry drivers! On the contrary our prices go up and up. Locally diesel is now £1.35 (at Morrisons £1.34) that makes it £6.14 per gallon!
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Patricia, by your calculations, my usual mileage and MPG in France, my savings will be about £39.


Better than a kick in the gnashers I suppose.


I'm not being ungrateful to Mr Sarkozy but I'd rather him make a dent in the £450 my local dealer wants for my 5 Agilis tyres...



Martyn (never satisfied)


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LordThornber - 2008-06-24 4:58 PM

I'm not being ungrateful to Mr Sarkozy but I'd rather him make a dent in the £450 my local dealer wants for my 5 Agilis tyres...

Martyn (never satisfied)


I think I would be delighted with that quote. The history of my tyre buying:

2002 - One Michelin CamperX Tewkesbury £128

2007 - Two of the same in France (pound was strong) about £260

2008 - After blow-out on M25 (one of the new tyres) - nails found in the others - 4 new tyres as above (in France) £465. So £450 for 5 sounds really good to me!


PS You have now started me on a hunt because I can't find the French bank statements for 2007!

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We arrived back early hours today and we noticed that the fuel prices in France was dropping Carrefour at Sarang was 1.38e the most we paid all trip from calais to Montpellier and back was 1.42e on average.  Carrefour at City Europe in Calais was 1.42e yesterday but just been to local Morrisons and diesel was £1.309 seems greedy Gordon has not finished robbing us yet
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I'm finding ASDA the least expensive at the moment - I won't say cheapest since "cheap" is not a word one can use in connection with fuel right now by any stretch of the imagination! If you pay with an ASDA credit card it's also 2p a litre off the pump price.
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Just filled up for the last time before France in 3 weeks time. £1.29.9 in Asda , Swansea. Next stop will be France 3 weeks time. Moving down to Spain then. Works out at £!.27.9 with my Asda card.......glad I have one now.


What is the price in Spain now then???? Anyone?


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