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Rapido off to europe tips 1st time away


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Hi have read through a lot of the items on this site and many of my questions have been answered, got a few more that just need clearing up.


Off to Italy in july Travelling through France, Germany and Switzerland.


Breaking journey up. Stopping in France and Switzerland on way down.


Have spent the last 10 years camping all over france and spain so don't think i'll have to many problems, but I have a few queries


1 Do I need to travel with a full water tank as I am stopping at 2 campsites on the way there


2 What should I do about the head light reflectors on my Van Rapido 996M


3 Set my sat nav to 56mph and intend to travel about 6-8 hrs a day with an hour stop for lunch is this realistic.


4 Plan to rough it on the way back just pullover for the night. Or use the hypermarket car parks. Good Idea?


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Taking your questions in order:-


1 If your stoping at campsites it doesn't make sense to travel with a full tank of water, as you will be able to fill up on arrival. Just keep a minimum of around a quarter, for use on the journey. The weight of a full tank will reduce your mpg.


2. Legally, you have to block off the left pointing part of the dipped beam, which is usually done with stick-on headlamp adapters from Halfords, etc. However, you need to be careful with non-glass headlamps, as some can overheat and craze. Perhaps someone else will come alaong and say what is used on your model.


3. it all depends on what sort of roads you plan to use. An average of 56mph is easily maintainable on the French and Swiss motorways, and on most Italian ones, though you might have a problem on the stretches of the A4 in Italy. Don't forget you will need to buy a vignet before you join a Swiss motorway. If you do plan to use the motorways be prepared for a large bill in tolls. On a recent trip in Italy I spent about £20 on a day's motorway travel and France is more expensive. Off the motorway, you will do well to average better than 45mph. In Italy there is really little alternative to using the motorways if you want to get anywhere (as apposed to seeing the countryside). Non motorway roads in France and Switzerland are fine.


4. Can't comment on the advisability/legality of this in Switzerland but I would advise extreme caution in doing this in Italy or France, due to the actions of young hooligans. If you see a group of other 'vans, then it should be OK, but avoid deserted carparks around large towns. Much better to stop in the small villages. See http://www.campingcar-infos.com/index1.htm for information on cheap/free stopping places in France and http://www.camperonline.it/ for similar places in Italy and http://www.turismoitinerante.com/php/sosta/italia/mappe.php for maps of stops in Italy.


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Guest JudgeMental

welcome to the forum and what a great name! lol


no need to stop of on side of roads and in car parks? there are 1000's of "Aires" - purpose built car parks with water and waste facilities throughout France, Germany.and Italy.


you have a sat nav, so you can download all the Aires on to it. Just say what model and make you have on here and we will try and help....... Then when you feel like stopping just look one up and go there. nor advisable to stay on motorway "aires" as these attract thieves

If stopping on Aires you need to try and get to one late afternoon to be sure of a place. So 8 hours is OK in theory and I have driven more then that at times....But I try and do 3-4 in morning and 2-3 after lunch.


the favorite route to Italy is via Belgium/Luxembourg/metz/Strasbourg/colmar/basle/gottard tunnel -Italy.....


cheaper fuel in Luxembourg, no tolls, and the municipal site at "Obernai" is a popular stop on this route. we will be heading this way in July to Lake Garda :-D

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Hi BrianR & Judgemantal thanks 4 the reply.


My Van is a Rapido 996M so in there is anybody out there with a tips about the head lights. I'd love to know. I have used gaffer tape before on my car.


I'll have a look at those websites thanks. With reference to the aires are there any books worth purchasing or should i just use the websites. I have up loaded free wifi spots onto my sat nav so will have access to web.


That route sounds good to me i'll have a look and might change. Cheap diesel and no toll sounds great.



Just a quick thank you to the guys at Road pro who sorted my Camos out.

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Guest JudgeMental

there are various books of Aires, best place is


vicarious books.co.uk


but not having them on your sat nav is a real missed opportunity - and its free!


sorry can't help with headlights - personally wouldn't worry about it *-)

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Welcome to the madhouse Jonathan.

You don't mention the base vehicle of your Rapido, but several of us (with different vehicles) have used headlamp protectors form these guys


- then stuck beam-benders or masks to them.

Two advantages:

1) as mentioned above, avoids the danger of damaging your headlight lenses.

2) you can just unclip them when you get home and keep them for next time, rather than buying new stick-on bits every time.


Enjoy yourself!


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Tony, he's got an 'A' class Rapido based on the Mercedes - that's what the M at the end of 996M denotes (if it was a Fiat it would end with an 'F'). I'm not sure what the headlights are though, but I don't think they are standard Mercedes.


Fatdad - if you do decide to use tape make sure it is white and not black as the black 'holds' the heat more.

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