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advice would be great!!!


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We would like to add that we havent had a motorhome for a very long time and everything is very new to us. So motorhomers beware if you see us on the road we are really concentrating!!!Any advice would be great.



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many thanks Don


We intend to have fun in her!!Its when you set the alarm off on the camp site at 06.30am in the morning (that doesnt go down to well) and then the smoke alarm when cooking toast!!! but we will get there


Sandi and Franki

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Hi Carol thanks for advice!! we intend to have fun, its all very new to us, we have sold our house today and it looks like our motorhome is going to be our home until we find somewhere to live.!!! We do have a home in Spain but we need somewhere in the UK but we havent decided where yet!! so its all systems go at the mo!!


Luv Sandi and Franki

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Can't really add to the above. Any problems will be far outweighed by the good times and the lovely sense of freedom. Even driving through the night in the rain is a lovely feeling for me.... warm, cosy and secure. Joy
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