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ROON - 2008-06-24 7:05 PM


a) are motorhome tyres very expensive? :-(


b) how often do you all check your tyre pressures?


Expensive yes, check never, get a set of pressure indicators around ten pounds you can just walk round it and look then

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As far as UK road traffic regulations are concerned, there is (as you rightly say) NO specific legal age limit for tyres used on motorhomes. A tyre must be replaced if it fails to meet legal criteria regarding tread depth and/or physical condition, but its age is not a legal factor. As far as I'm aware this is equally true for non-UK countries.


Nevertheless, it is universally acknowledged that tyres do degrade with age irrespective of whether or not the vehicle to which they are fitted is being used. Received wisdom is that motorhome tyres should definitely be replaced before they reach 10 years old, but the start-point of the 'replacement window' is more debateable. I believe that (for sensible safety reasons) leisure-vehicle clubs recommend tyre replacement at 5 years of age, but many motorcaravanners will opt for a longer interval (say 7 years).


Sadly, like many things in life this is not a black-or-white issue. If you are pessimistic by nature follow the 5-year recommendation: if you are optimistic then don't.

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