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Some so and so has just driven into my van which is parked on the front of the house on the road as I wanted to clean the pavings, and then driven off!!!!! It doesn't make sense as the road is about three and half cars width, there is loads of room for another two cars ..... the old lady next door said it was a boy racer with passenger in a black car >:-( All the 'bumper' at the back is damaged down to the fibrousy bits and the outer layer smashed off so it must have been some bang. Really cheesed off. I scrimp and scrape saving so I can get away for a couple of days later in the year and some idiot will have now given me a bill to repair the damage.


Sorry, for ranting.... really angry. joy

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Thanks everybody, and boy did that hug feel good :-D I doubt I will find out who it is, but my lovely little van - I am amazed how sad it makes me feel to look at the damage... oh, well I guess there are far worse things going on in the world but thank you for your kindnesses.


Waiting for Discovery to phone me back to say when they can look at it and give an estimate :-(

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Oh Joy, I'm so sorry for you. Report it to the police straight away. Yes, I know they won't do anything but you never know, a description of the car might just tip a bobby's memory and cause them to pick him up. Not terribly likely I know but if they don't know about it then they can never be expected to do anything.



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Oh Joy - that is really rotten. We had a similar thing happen to our new MH in December (it was less than 3 months old :'( )


When you get your insurance people moving on it may I suggest you nag, nag, nag the repairers / MH manufacturer about spare parts as ours took over 4 months - they don't keep stock of skirts etc. apparently :-S


Good luck with getting your poor van back into shape soon and try not to let the b******s upset you too much - what goes around comes around - they will get theirs - in spades >:-)

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Hi Joy


I'm so sorry to hear what's happened ... I really empathise as I know just what it feels like to have your pride and joy 'abused' like this. Do please report it to the police that way if they see a car with damage to it that meets the description, I doubt if it is the only time these idiots have done a 'hit and run' to another vehicle and the Police might be able to do something about it if they see a suspect car being driven around.


I also agree with the comment about the insurance company - you really DO have to keep on top of it, getting the assessor down etc, don't let it linger on - if you don't nag it will drag! 8-)

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