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Aire at Le Touquet

Mike B.

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Hi-If anyone's interested just got back from France and stayed overnight on the Le Touquet aire by the Equestrian Center on Friday. Got a note under the wipers to say it is closed to Camping Cars from June 30th and it didn't say for how long. There was a show being set up so it may be only temporary. However, the aire is now quite a bit smaller as they have extended the appartotel on the equestrian side and also there is no electricity or water available by the grandstand or in the trees. A French guy told me it has all been disconnected now and you can use the new borne for 55 mins of electricity and 100 litres water for 2 Euros. Payment for the aire is now by machine and it is 6.50 euros for 24hrs. Local police still come round to check tickets on windscreen but you can't pay them anymore-it's a fine if you haven't got a ticket.
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I was at the Le Touquet Aire at the beginning of this month. Been there very many times. I did'nt pay because I only noticed the new ticket machine as I was leaving. Its not very conspicuous!


One British camper I spoke to said he had been there for a week and nobody had told him about paying and nobody had asked for payment. In all the times I have been there I've only been asked for payment twice both occasions being on a weekend.


The toilets in the bottom of the grandstand are still open and there is a water supply inside in the sinks which campers seemed to be using but I would only use this for washing not drinking.


The Aire is also being extended to the side of the grandstand. There are electricity and water pillars but these are switched off. Only time will tell what is going on.

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We were at Le Touquet earlier this month but at a different aire.

We stayed at the one next to the marina. It was nearly full the 3 nights that we stayed. We did not notice police checking for paid tickets but did once see a chap attending the meter. It cost €6.50 per night paid via a parking meter. The borne provided about 100ltrs of water and 55mins of electricity for €2 (a €2 coin).

Regards Cattwg

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I have stayed at the marina aire at Le Touquet several times over the last few yearsand I too was there at the beginning of this month. Normally someone comes round in the morning to collect the money but the new meter this year had to be pointed out to me. Although it says it takes credit cards this facility was not working and payment had to be in coins. Several French campingcarists told me they had not paid and would wait for the collector in the morning. I had to leave before ten and nobody had been by then so I tried to pay with coins. The machine refused some however so I only managed to pay about 5€.


As usual this aire was very busy and anyone wanting to use it in July / August would be wise to arrive before the evening. The marked parking lines seem to be wider this year so although better it obviously cuts down the number of spaces.

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