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Vignette for switzerland?


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Fatdad - 2008-07-01 7:32 PM




Any body give me some info how much for 3800KG motorhome


Hi Whoops,


Vehicles up to 3.5 tons must buy a Vignette costing 40 Swiss Francs and valid for 14 months (1 Dec 2007 - 31 Jan 2009) caravanners/trailers have to buy two.


Payment is easy (Euros, Sterling, Credit Cards or Swiss currency accepted. Exchange rate about 2.43 Swiss Francs to the Pound). If you pay for the vignette with Euros or Sterling you will get Swiss Francs in change.


The vignette can be bought in advance at service areas on main routes approaching the border.


If your motorhome is above the 3500kg weight limit you will need a special permit for one day (3.25 SF), 10 days (32.50), one month (58.50) or a year (650.00).


The permit can only be boufght at border posts.



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The last time we passed through Switzerland we were stopped at the (entry) border crossing and told that we needed a vignette and asked the weight of the MH. We simply said 3400kg and pointed to the vignette on the screen left over from the previous Spring trip, nice smile from the (lady) border guard and on we went. But they do check!
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Charles Chodkowski - 2008-07-01 9:39 PM We have a 4200kg motorhome and have crossed through Switzerland in 2008 and 2007, both times we were automatically sold a standard vignette at the border crossing, we were never asked our weight.

However, had you subsequently been stopped or checked, Charles, your excuse that you weren't asked wouldn't have washed.  You'd have been done for not having paid tax at the correct rate.  It is your obligation to provide all the relevant information, not their's to ask - just like it is with HMR&C and your UK income tax return!  You know the weight of your vehicle, you've said so above, and the Swiss authorities would expect you to know the appropriate rules, because they publish them.  Unintentional though it undoubtedly was, I think you flirted with attempting to defraud the inscrutable Gnomes of Zürich, and God knows what the penalty for that is!! 

All joking aside, if you were merely birds of passage, I think you may well have overpaid, as well as having bought an invalid vignette and risked a fine to boot.   May your Swiss policemen always be of the smiling and kindly type!  :-)

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